There are several courses at MSU that have some form of virtual reality, augmented reality, or mixed reality content. Looking for a class incorporating VR, AR, or MR? Current known courses are listed here, but feel free to use our faculty and staff section to inquire about other possibilities, like independent studies. If you are interested in adopting VR or AR use into your classroom, the faculty and staff section of this site includes some great contacts for exploring this option. 

Current Courses with VR and AR Content

ARCH 457-001 Architectural Design V
ARCH 565-002 Adv Computer Appl II
ARCH 565-001 Adv Computer Appl II
BCH 444R Biochem & Mlclr Biolgy Mthds
CSCI 204-001 Multimedia Dev Methods
CSCI 291-001 Technology, Ethics & Society
CSCI 494-005 Sem:Human Computer Interaction
FILM 581-001 360 VR & Dome

Getting VR. AR, MR Into Your Curriculum

Interested in adopting Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, or Mixed Reality into your classroom? Check out our VR personnel page for contacts at MSU to help you explore the possibilities. VR, AR, and MR are newly emerging technologies - don't be afraid to ask questions, think creatively, and explore ideas!