Annual Assessment Report

Academic Year: 2016-17
Department: Education
Program(s): Educational Leadership, Doctorate of Education (Ed. D.)

1. What Was Done?

From Spring 2016-summer 2017, four doctoral students took oral and written comprehensive examinations. Five doctoral students defended final dissertations (Miller, Scalia, Rocksund, Filpula, Clyatt).

2. What Data Were Collected?

Pass rates were collected to assess the program. All students taking comprehensive examinations passed both the written and oral exams, leading to a 100% pass rate. All 5 doctoral students who defended their final dissertations passed, leading to a 100% pass rate

3. What Was Learned?

Two years ago, we made a decision to schedule comp exams and the dissertation proposal meeting in back to back time slots, so that the research and writing done for comps could also inform the dissertation process.  After talking with recent graduates, we feel, this process has led to more productivity for students and less “time to degree.”  However, there are questions about consistency with departmental expectations.

4. How We Responded?

We continue to tweak the timeline for “writing comps” knowing that students are also writing documents with their dissertation proposals in mind.  We need to establish a consistent amount of time so as not to advantage or disadvantage any students and to maintain consistency within our entire Education Department.