Annual Assessment Report

Academic Year: 2013‐14
Department: Education
Program(s): Educational Leadership, Education Specialist (Ed.S.)

1. What Was Done?

We reviewed graduation rates and numbers of students selecting the Ed.S. option.

2. What Data Were Collected?

We collected data on the number of students who chose the Ed.S. program, and surveyed/tried to recruit summer superintendent candidates to consider earning an Ed.S. degree.

3. What Was Learned?

We had few post‐masters students who wanted an Ed.S. degree in the current cohorts. Most were satisfied in obtaining only Superintendent licensure, and did not see value in getting the Ed. S. as something that would increase their employability in Montana.

4. How We Responded?

We discussed how we could better recruit superintendent candidates into the Ed.S. program. We also began a process to offer the Ed.S. as a degree option to students who had been admitted in the Ed.D. program, but had not progressed to completion. Some students changed jobs and/or life circumstances, making it hard for them to complete the doctorate within the 10‐year window. The Ed.S. provided an option to complete coursework and a professional paper – making ”time to degree” much shorter than would have been possible continuing to pursue the doctorate.