Annual Assessment Report

Academic Year 2015‐16
Department: Education
Program: Curriculum & Instruction, Library Media Certificate

1. What was done?

15 students completed the certificate in Summer 2015.

4 students completed the certificate in Fall 2015 and 4 completed the certificate in Spring 2016.
Library Media instructors met in March 2016 to align course objectives with Montana standards for preparation of library media specialists.

The Library Media Certificate was re‐accredited by the Montana Board of Public Education in summer 2016 for 7 years.

2. What data was collected?

Syllabi from all courses and instructors.

3. What was learned?

We learned that our program is well articulated (little overlap between courses).

4. How we responded?

We will continue to ensure that our course objectives are aligned with BPE standards for preparation of school library media specialists. In the upcoming assessment cycle we will focus on improvement of EDCI 598 Internship including examining the number of hours required for field experience.