Annual Assessment Report

Academic Year 2016-17
Department: Education
Program: PhD in Education

1.What was done?

2 students graduated with their PhD in Education.
We developed an assessment plan for the PhD in Education (2017-2020).

2. What data was collected?

Syllabi for the core courses in the PhD in Education.

3.What was learned?

We learned that there is little overlap between courses but we could have a tighter program in
terms of articulation and discussed running themes that could weave throughout the courses.

4. How we responded?

We believe that the assessment plan will create the roadmap for ensuring continuous
improvement for this new program that began in Fall 2015.

For the 2017-18 academic year, we created a new course, EDU 600, Doctoral Seminar, that
intends to build a cohort and acculturate students to doctoral study. This builds upon a 1 credit
pilot course, EDU 691, in Fall 2016.