A summary of sanctions can be found below. For a complete list of sanctions and their full descriptions, please refer to section 660.00 of the Code of Student Conduct. 

In determining a sanction, the Conduct Officer may consider the student's present and past disciplinary record, including Residence Hall disciplinary record, the nature of the offense, the severity of any damage, injury, or harm resulting from the violation, and other factors relevant to the case. Additionally, more than one sanction may be assigned upon the completion of a hearing or proposed by a conduct officer. 

Academic Misconduct Sanctions

The following sanctions may be imposed for academic misconduct. The instructor-imposed sanctions are captured in items A through E. Items F through I may be imposed as a result of a student conduct hearing. 

A.  Oral reprimand;

B.  Written reprimand;

C.  An assignment to repeat the work or an alternate assignment;

D.  A lower or failing grade on the particular assignment or test;

E.  A lower grade or failing grade in the course;

F.  Removal of the student from the course in progress;

G.  Removal of the student from a major, college or program;

H.  Withdrawal of degree or academic credit previously bestowed; and

I.   Any sanction that may be imposed for violation of the Student Conduct Code (reference Section 660.00), including disciplinary probation, academic integrity seminar, suspension or expulsion from the University.

 Common Student Conduct Sanctions 

ACT Proof of Completion

The student was cited for a DUI and/or was assigned the ACT class by the courts and the the conduct officer has agreed to allow proof of this court-ordered outcome to suffice as a sanction.


The student must apologize in person, via letter or via electronic communication to the affected person/people as designated by the Conduct Officer.

Campus Trespass

Removal and banishment from all campus owned buildings for a period of time or permanently.

Community Service

Required community service hours to be arranged though the Office of Student Engagement, with proof of completion provided to the conduct officer.

Conduct Expulsion

Permanent removal from MSU.

Conduct Probation/Suspension Warning

A warning that any further violations of the Code of Student Conduct may result in suspension from MSU. Please note that, per the International Travel Policy, students on Conduct Probation are not eligible to travel abroad.

Conduct Suspension

Temporary removal from MSU for a period of time no less than one semester. 

Housing Relocation

Relocation from current residence room to another room and/or hall.

Housing Removal

Removal from all residence life system.

Insight Level I, II or III

An alcohol and drug education course facilitated by the Student Health Service at MSU. Depending upon the severity of the violation, level I, II or III may be assigned.

Interim Suspension

The immediate removal from campus and/or housing with no access to classes or buildings until the conduct case is resolved formally or informally.

Loss of Privileges

Examples may include loss of access to the Rec Center, loss of access to Bobcat Stadium, restriction of participation in a certain club or activity, and/or loss of on-campus parking privileges.

No Contact Order

A formal order preventing a student from contacting the designated person/people by any means.

Persona Non-Grata

Restriction from any facility or building on campus for an agreed upon or mandated time period, including permanently.

Residence Hall Probation

Further violations of either the Residence Hall Handbook or Code of Conduct may lead to Housing Removal, Relocation or System Eviction.


Reimbursement to the appropriate party as payment for injury or loss.

Substance Abuse Assessment

The student must participate in a substance abuse assessment from a licensed substance abuse or addiction counselor.

Success Center Meeting

Meeting with the success center in Residence Life.

University Disciplinary Warning

A disciplinary reprimand that indicates further misconduct will result in additional disciplinary action being taken. 


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