Equipment Funded By
- National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Grant 2006
- Murdock Trust Grant 2007 and 2012
Current Research Funded By
- National Science Foundation
- Southwest Research Institute
- Proctor and Gamble
- ICU Medical
- National Institute of Health
- Bend Research Inc
Graduate Student Fellowships
- Bend Research Inc Fellow: Broadbent 2006-current
- Inland Northwest Regional Alliance: Gage (2002, 2003) Brown (2003, 2005) Brosten (2006,
- INBRE- BRIN: Brown (2004, 2006) Hornemann (2005)
- MSU COE Benjamin Fellow : Rassi (2008)
- NSF GRFP : Kirkland (2013-2016)
- MSU COE Benjamin Fellow: Jayaratne (2016)
- NSF EAPSI: Simkins (2016)
- NSF EAPSI: Mailhiot (2016)
MR Lab Group
Montana State University
306 Cobleigh Hall
P.O. Box 173920
Bozeman MT 59717-3920
Sarah Codd
[email protected]
Joseph Seymour
[email protected]