The Field Crew

Current Graduate Students

Mike Simanonok
I'm broadly interested in community ecology, with emphasis on interspecific interactions and how community structure and function change with disturbance. My MS research at MSU investigated turnover of alpine plant-pollinator communities and interactions at spatial, temporal, and environmental scales. My PhD research is focused on understanding community assembly of plant-pollinator interactions after wildfire.
Anthony Slominski
I began my PhD in the Burkle Lab in the fall of 2012. I am interested in how environmental change, like the seasonality of temperature warming, is impacting plant and pollinator interactions and what implications this has for plant and pollinator populations as well as community structure and ecosystem function. I am conducting my research in the mountain systems of Montana.
Laura Heil
I joined the lab as a Master’s student in the fall of 2013. I am interested in how plants and pollinators respond to disturbance, and how climate change and land use change are influencing plant-pollinator interactions. My research interests include investigating the effects of wildfire versus logging on plant and pollinator communities from a landscape perspective.

Will Thompson
I started my MS with the Burkle lab, and coadvised by Dr. Erik Beever, in the fall of 2014. I am interested in looking at metapopulation dynamics of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) and how these change across the species range in relationship to climate change.

Will Glenny
I began my MS degree in the Burkle Lab, coadvised by Dr. Michelle Flenniken, in the spring of 2015. I focus on the topic of pollinator health. My projects include honey bee virus transmission between honey bees and native bumble bees, in addition to investigating the effects of climate change on flower volatiles and describing resulting pollinator communities.
Past Lab Members

Stacy Davis
MS 2013: The effects of timing of grazing on plant and arthropod community structure in grasslands of southwest Montana

Casey Delphia
Dr. Casey Delphia is a native bee expert and leading the WSARE project at CSA farms in the Gallatin Valley.

Travis Belote
Dr. Travis Belote is a Research Ecologist with The Wilderness Society in Bozeman.

Justin Runyon
Dr. Justin Runyon is a Research Entomologist with the Forest Service at the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Bozeman.
Elizabeth Reese
Elizabeth Reese is a research technician in the lab. She has a MS in Entomology from the University of Georgia.
Michelle Flenniken
Dr. Michelle Flenniken is an Assistant Professor in Plant Sciences at MSU, studying honey bee pathogens.