February 2020: Graduate student Mallory Thomas joins the lab! She is part of the Molecular Biosciences Program here at Montana State! Welcome Mallory!

September 2019: The Chang lab, in collaboration with James Wilking (Chemical and Biological Engineering), Diane Bimczok and Seth Walk (Microbiology and Immunology) receive $3M in NIH funding on a collaborative U01 project studing the interaction of immune cells with gut organoids-on-a-chip. We are very excited about this new project and are currently hiring new postdocs and graduate students with expertise in immunology and tissue chip engineering.


November 2018: Graduate students Jacob Fredrickson and Carter Hoffman join the lab. Welcome Jake and Carter!

October 2018: Shawna Pratt won 1st place in the Graduate Student Competition in the Microbes at Biomedical Interfaces session at the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburg!

June 2018: Welcome INBRE summer undergraduates Petria Russell, Hannah Sylvester, and Graham Hughes!

May 2018: Dr. Chang receives the National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award for her research on assembling and studying biofilms. Thank you National Science Foundation! Read the MSU news release "MSU researcher wins major award to engineer microbial biofilms".



May 2018: The NIH funds a collaboration between the Chang Lab and the Franklin Lab to study P. aeruginosa dormancy factors.

October 2017: Olivia Haider joins the lab and receives Undergraduate Scholars Program research support. Welcome Olivia! Hannah Szafraniec, Jacob Carter-Gibb, and Daniel Wigle receive INBRE academic-year research support. Congratulations to Olivia, Hannah, Jacob, and Daniel!

September 2017: NSF funds PI Brittany Fasy in a $1.2M project to to use storytelling to engage American Indian and other middle school students in computer science. Dr. Chang is the outreach coordinator in the team that will use Alice, an object-oriented programming language to teach programming to students. Read the MSU news release "MSU researchers developing storytelling as way to help teach computing skills"!.

August 2017: NSF funds the Chang Lab in a $6M collaborative project titled Building Genome-to-Phenome Infrastructure for Regulating Methane in Deep and Extreme Environments. The Chang Lab will study methane-consuming microbes that will be sampled from Yellowstone National Park in collaboration with PI Gerlach, Carlson, Fields, Peyton[BROKEN LINK], Lauchnor, Hatzenpichler, and Wilking labs at Montana State University, as well as the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and the University of Oklahoma. Read the MSU news release "MSU researchers receive $1.8 million to study methane-converting microbes"
July 2017: Dr. Chang gives an invited talk at the 54th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science in theBiological and Bio-Inspired Fluid Mechanics” symposium at Northeastern University.
June 2017: Many new members to the lab. Welcome summer undergraduates Jared Thompson, Hannah Szafraniec, Daniel Wigle, graduate student Humberto Sanchez, and postdoc Zack Jay. Humberto is also a recipient of MSU's Benjamin Fellowship
May 2017: The Chang Lab expands to the Chemistry and Biochemistry Building. 
February 2017: Our PNAS paper in collaboration with the Franklin lab at MSU on the resuscitation of P. aeruginosa from dormancy is accepted! Read about the work "Resuscitation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from dormancy requires hibernation promoting factor (PA4463) for ribosome preservation"
January 2017: DARPA funds the Chang lab and collaborators on a $5.2M grant to study influenza (DARPA Intercept program). This multidisciplinary project includes researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Christopher Brooke), Emory University (Katia Koelle), Rutgers University (Laura Fabris) and North Carolina State University (Ruian Ke). The project will create and test therapeutic interfering particles (TIPs), which piggyback on functional viruses to help prevent viral transmission. Read the MSU news release "MSU researcher receives $1.3 million to develop virus-fighting technology", and more news releases "Ke Lab Leads a $5 Million DARPA Grant to Fight Influenza Virus" and "Attacking the Flu by Hijacking Infected Cells".