The cryo-EM facility works with campus IT and Research Cyberinfrastructure (RCI) to provide a variety of computational resources for internal users of the facility.

Currently, RCI offers access to both storage, and high-performance computers that integrates well with cryo-EM workflows. Please see the links below for more information:

The cryo-EM facility currently maintains a number of software packages on Tempest that can be used by anyone with access to Tempest. These packages currently include:

  • A managed CryoSPARC instance, including CryoSPARC Live and cryosparc-tools access.
  • Relion 3 & Relion 4
  • EMAN2
  • cisTEM
  • IMOD and PEET

Further documentation is available at (this link will only work if on-campus).