Student Outcomes
Retention & Graduation
For detailed information on MSU undergraduate student retention and graduation rates, visit our dashboard for Undergraduate students (2012-today). This dashboard is a 'story' includes navigation buttons at the top that will take you to:
- Data Definitions
- Retention/Graduation Incoming Academic
- Demographics
- Cohort Overview
- Retention & Graduation Rates (default page)
- Retention & Graduation Over Time
- Cohort Retention & Graduation Comparison
- Select Cohort
- Demographic Outcome Comparison
- Demographic Outcome Comparison Over Time
- Fall-to-Spring Retention
For detailed informaton on MSU graduate student retention and graduation rates, visit our dashboard for Graduate students (2009-today). This dashboard is a 'story' includes navigation buttons at the top that will take you to:
- Data Definitions
- Retention/Graduation Incoming Academic
- Demographics
- Cohort Overview
- Retention & Graduation Rates (default page)
- Outcomes by Year
Student Progression and Movement
Two visualizations show how the Fall starting cohorts from 2010-2015) students move between colleges and departments.
Degrees Awarded
To learn how long, on average, it takes for students to earn a degree by their demographics and their departments, visit our Time to Degree dashboard.
You can also visit our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to see this information by college & department (1994-today) and by degree & award level (1977-today).
Labor Market Outcomes
To see where are students go after they graduate, visit the Career Destinations Survey put together by the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success.