Quiz Results Displays views show evaluation information for a quiz attempt after the quiz has been submitted and the results are published.

Quiz Results Displays can be customized as needed. 

Access Customize Quiz Results Displays

Customizing a "Quiz Results Display" allows control over learner view related to published quiz attempts.

  1.  Access a quiz and edit it.
    • "New Quiz 005" is in the editing stage.
  2.  Expand the "Evaluation & Feedback" area (right side nav bar),
  3. In the "When Published, display to learners:" area, the "Attempt Grade" and "No Questions" settings are selected.
    • These settings form the basis of the "Primary View" Quiz Results Display for the quiz being edited.
  4. In the "Additional view comes into effect:" area, an "Additional View" that has already been created displays the assigned properties of the view and the date/time that it comes into effect.
    • If an additional view has not been created, then nothing displays in this area.
    • If an additional view is visible, use the "X" to send the additional view away.
      • Note: Selecting the 'X' and then selecting "Save" or "Save and Close" will delete the "Additional View" permanently which will then require it be re-created if it is to remain in use.
  5. Select the "Customize Quiz Results Displays" button to access the "Customize Quiz Results Displays" area which governs the Quiz Results Display of the quiz attempt.

Brightspace screenshot 20.23.02 - selecting the "Customize Quiz Results Displays"


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Primary View Display

When entering the "Customize Quiz Results Displays" area, the current "Primary View" display for a published quiz attempt displays.

  1. An unedited, default "Primary View" includes:
    • Message - the standard default message.
    • Grade - attempt grade from evaluated questions.
    • A "Not Displayed" status of questions, answers, and learner's responses.
    • If necessary, select "Edit View" link to edit the default "Primary View" display.
  2. Select the "+Additional View" link to add another view.

"Primary View" displays for published attempts at all times.

If the "Primary View" hasn't been edited, then the default display (as shown in the image below) will show after a quiz attempt has been published.

Brightspace screenshot 20.23.02 - "Primary View" of Quiz Results Displays


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Additional View Display

From the "Customize Quiz results Displays" page, select "+Additional View" to set up another view.

The additional view can be made more or less expansive in scope when compared to the "Primary View" default display.

When creating an "Additional View" there are various attributes to be assigned.

  1. Select a date and time which will govern when the additional view will come into effect.
    • Select the "A limited amount of time (in minutes) after submission" checkbox to limit how long a "Quiz Results Displays" view is available to quiz takers immediately after completing the assessment.
      • Use the limited duration to restrict learner access to the "Quiz Results Displays" view for a short period immediately after completing a quiz.
      • Note: A limited duration can be counter-productive if the purpose of the "Quiz Results Displays" view is to let learners review at a future date (e.g., at an in-class review a week later; after all other participants have submitted; as a study aid for future tests).
  2. Enter a submission message as necessary in the "Message" text box.
  3. Select the "Display attempt grade for evaluated questions" checkbox to display quiz grade for the attempt.
  4. Use the contextual drop menu to see the selections related to question display when quiz attempt grade is published.
    • Select an item from the contextual drop menu to apply it to the display that appears after an attempt's initial grade is published.
  5. Select to display quiz grade "Statistics" as desired.
  6. Select the "Create" button to create the additional view.
  7. Select the "OK" button to exit the area.

Brightspace screenshot 20.23.02 - display of "Additional View" parameters


Additional variables in the "Questions" contextual drop menu.

  1. Selecting anything other than "Don't show" in the "Questions" contextual drop menu reveals additional variables that can be used to refine the "Quiz Results Display" for a published quiz.
  2. For example, with "All questions" displayed, three variations are then displayed.
    • Each variation changes slightly dependent upon the "Questions" display that is selected.
    • Selecting checkbox(es) related to the variations adjusts the "Quiz Results Display" accordingly.

Brightspace screenshot 20.23.02 - selections available via the contextual drop menu associated with "Questions" and the displayed questions variables


When adding an "Additional View" to a quiz.

  1. The "Primary View" always remains intact.
  2. An "Additional" View" is displayed on the "Customize Quiz Results Displays" page with specifics related to chosen variables.
    • The "Additional View comes into effect:" statement shows the date/time when the additional view will supplant the "Primary View" display specific to the published attempt.
    • "Edit View" can be selected to re-enter and adjust the "Additional View" as necessary.
    • Use the "Delete View" selection to remove the "Additional View" as necessary.
  3. Select "OK" to hold the created view in place.
    • Select "+Additional View" to add another view in addition to the already established views.
    • Select "Cancel" to exit the area.

Brightspace screenshot 20.23.02 - "Customize Quiz Results Displays" page shows "Primary View" and "Additional View" and the "OK" or "Cancel" buttons


In the "Feedback & Completion" area of a quiz in edit mode.

After an "Additional View" has been added, the view displays in the "When published, display to learners:" area under the "Attempt Grade" and questions area.

The "Additional view comes into effect:" statement shows date of visibility and includes a statement related to the set-up of the "Additional View" that has been created.

Select "Customize Quiz Results Displays" to re-enter the view area for "Primary" and "Additional" views.

Brightspace screenshot 20.23.02 - additional view displays


Note: Instructors who want to let learners review quiz attempts at a future date using an Additional View, and wish to reveal answers to questions for a limited length of time (like, say, 120 minutes), can add another Additional View with a "Date/Time" restriction that takes place 120 minutes later than the original, first, Additional View. In the secondary Additional View (same date, but set to open 120 minutes later than the first view), the Questions view details are set to "Don't show" for the "Questions" area. This secondary Additional View will supersede the first Additional View, and effectively turns off access to quiz answers revealed via the "Questions" (anything other than "Don't show") set up of the first view.

Advertise the opportunity by letting the class know availability date/time of the “opening” of the submission view for study purposes.

In all instances, when editing, select "Save and Close" or "Save" to apply changes to a quiz.

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Quizzes Submission View Access for Learners

Select the link directly below to access a Learner Tutorial about Quizzes Submission View.


This link can be posted in a course to show learners how to successfully access submission views related to quizzes.


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Links will open in a new tab or window dependent on browser/OS configuration.

What dialog box windows look like and how dialog box windows and browsers interact is dependent upon the operating system and browser being used. The screenshots in this tutorial may differ from the screen that the user is viewing when performing the actions described in this tutorial.

CD 202302