• Energy-impacted communities are those that have experienced and been impacted by the discovery of new energy resources or rapid expansion of energy development.

  • Members of these communities can be sensitive to the "boom/bust" terminology. Using "energy-impacted community" to describe towns with these experiences is best practice.

  • Researchers should be aware of common misconceptions of energy-impacted communities and not allow the community snapshot being depicted in the research to define the entire community experience hosting energy development.

  • Energy communities are of interest to researchers because when lots of growth happens fast in a small community, predictable social effects take place due to the disruption the industrial development brings. Studies often seek to understand if energy development exacerbates existing social issues or can be used for community economic and social development.

  • Pressure exists for rural energy-impacted communities to answer nationally and internationally significant social and policy questions and their ability to contribute is often limited by strained capacity. It’s a lot to ask!