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  1. Identify the specific issue or problem your child is facing.
    • Identify the goals you want to achieve. Write these down. They will help you when selecting a storybook.

  2. Select the appropriate book for this topic (refer to the ‘Choosing a Storybook’ handout in your packet).

  3. Implementation
    • Read the Recommended Practices for Reading Aloud to Children handout in your folder.
    • Decide if you will have one session or multiple sessions with one book or multiple books
    • Select appropriate discussion questions.

  1. Follow-up activities:
    • Reflect on the story by asking the discussion questions identified in your planning session.
    • Consider planning an activity that may help draw out the main concepts or goals of the storybook.


The Montana State University Extension program team has developed reading guides for several storybooks that depict children’s reactions to a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease. These guides provide the reader with questions to ask and follow-up activity ideas. To access these books and guides please visit our website https://www.montana.edu/extension/alzheimers/booksandreadingguides.html