Ultrasound Carcass Evaluation Standards:

Requirement Results as Description

Selection 1

Carcasses are thickly muscled throughout the body with a bulging outside leg, rounded back strip, and a moderately thick outside shoulder.
  Selection 2 Carcasses are moderately muscled throughout with a slightly bulging outside leg, flat or shallow back strip, and slightly thick outside shoulder.
  Selection 3 Carcasses are thinly muscled and the legs, back and shoulders are narrow in relation with its length and they have a very angular and sunken appearance.
Live Weight


Live weight in pounds
HCW Pounds Hot Carcass Weight calculated at 48% of live weight
Loin Eye Area Square Inches 12th rib ribeye (Longissimus) area. Ultrasound measurement; both sides taken and then averaged
BWT Inches Body wall thickness (includes fat, bone, and lean) measured 1 inch beyond loin eye, both sides taken and then averaged
Age Months Measured in months. Market goats are usually referred to as kid/cabrito (2-14 months), young chevon (14-24 months), or aged chevon (over 24 months).
% Cutability   Cutability calculated by the following formula: 60.6933-(0.23174 x HCW)+(1.96202 x Loin Eye Area)-(1.57832 x BWT)


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