4-H is the nation's largest youth development and empowerment organization. In Montana, 4-H reaches nearly 20,000 youth in all 56 counties each year!

They stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Heath.

The 4-H Pledge:

I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.

4-H Members participate in projects that teach life skills through hands-on learning. Projects range from leadership, shooting sports, animals, robotics and more. Youth not only learn life skills but they learn ways to give back to their community through service activities. Members can also experience outdoor camping adventures, participate in local government, leadership conferences, and a variety of skill-based competitions. 4-H is what you want it to be!

A 4-H Club is the foundation of the 4-H experience. You are encouraged to select a club based off of your location, project interest and schedule. Club meetings are ran by youth officers to provide leadership for community service activities, social gatherings, and educational experiences. Club leaders are a great resource for families in 4-H.

4-H Clubs in Gallatin County

A project is simply a topic 4-H members can explore. 4-H members can choose from a variety of projects based on their interests to increase their knowledge about the subject through active participation. 

Below is the project list, but we are always adding new projects on this list. If the project you want is not on the list, call the Extension Office at 406-582-3280. 

4-H Projects in Gallatin County

4-H is open to youth ages 5-18 as of October 1st, 2024.

Enrollment for 4-H is an online process. Please view the “New to 4-H” page. Enrollment opens Oct 1, 2024, Join anytime...But you must be enrolled in our county's 4-H enrollment deadline of March 1st* to take advantage of all 4-H opportunities, including participation in the Fair.

*Some projects do have enrollment deadlines or participant caps.

Yearly Enrollment

Youth (ages 5-18)

(a per month late fee of $5 will be tacked on each month Nov. - March)                                        

Youth Project Fees
Per Project Fee (helps pay for curriculum books)
Shooting Sports Fee (per discipline)
Cooking Project Fee


Baking Project Fee


Robotics Project Fee (Level 2 only)




Check out our "4-H Record Book" page for more info!