PAT Coordinators are responsible for licensing private applicators in their counties, answering licensing questions,  and offering pesticide education program credit opportunities. PAT Coordinators are expected to stay up-to-date on PAT and pesticide education updates by attending relevant programs and educational events.

For Information and Assistance

As a new Extension agent you are going to have a lot of questions regarding what is required to initiate your local private applicator program. Please feel free to contact Cecil Tharp or Amy Bowser at any time to discuss responsibilities, policies, licensing, or training or to follow up on questions from your local applicators. 

Accessing PAT Coordinator Resources

Many of the resources available for PAT Coordinators on this website must be accessed using a username and password. Please contact Amy Bowser or Cecil Tharp for access. Once you receive the username and password you can access all resources from the "PAT Coordinators" link on the left sidebar. Many resources for PAT Coordinators and the public are available from the main homepage as well. 

Pesticide Education Onboarding Checklist

1. PAT Coordinator Orientation

Within your first few months as a new Extension agent please watch the recorded New Agent Orientation. This is a one and half hour mvideo covering the roles and responsibilities of being a PAT Coordinator. PAT Coordinators should be familiar with the  Montana Private Applicator Program Policies and Procedures and review the MontGuide titled The Montana Private Applicator Program.

Please contact Amy Bowser for the link to the recorded New Agent Orientation.

2. Attend PAT Core Training

Make plans to attend the PAT Core Training held annually in February. This event trains new agents on pesticide core topics needed to host pesticide education events. This event and others can be viewed on the MSU PEP event webpage. If you cannot attend your first year, contact Cecil Tharp for alternatives.

3. Obtain Government Pesticide License

All new PAT Coordinators must obtain their government pesticide license within six months of their hiring date to license private applicators, access private applicator information, obtain PAT Funds and make pesticide recommendations. To learn more on how to obtain your license contact your Montana Department of Agriculture District Officer. You must pass the core exam and the agricultural plant pest category exam.

4. Review the Licensing Guide

Review the Licensing Guide available from the PAT Coordinator homepage which outlines how to proctor the Montana Private Applicator Certification Exam, host an Initial Private Applicator Training, reviews pesticide education core topics and discusses the application process and fees. 

5. Receiving Private Applicator Reports from MTPlants

As soon as you start as a new PAT Coordinator you will need to get setup to receive monthly private applicator mailling labels and reports from the Montana Department of Agriculture through MTPlants. Please contact Lori Leaf to get your email address connected to the county or counties you are responsible for. 



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