2024 Fashion Revue

The Sanders County 4-H Fashion Revue and Patchwork Parade was held on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Plains Bible Chapel.

The time period for completing items for Fashion Revue/Patchwork Parade runs from the first day after Fashion Revue the next year. This means that an item you completed within the last year may be entered this year, regardless of whether it was an entry in the fair or not.

Fashion Revue Participants: 

Judging is based on: Presentation of the ensemble (fit, grooming, poise and accessories), Construction, and Interview.

Participants are asked to turn the following items into your local Extension Office 

  1. The pattern envelope (or copy)
  2. A fabric or yarn sample

Needle Art Participants:

Judging is based on: Presentation of item, Construction, and Interview.

Participants are asked to turn the following items into your local Extension Office. 

  1. A pattern (if applicable)
  2. A yarn sample

Patchwork Parade Participants:

You are asked to give a prepared 1-3 minute talk on your quilt. The talk can include any information you wish to share about your quilt, such as the choice of color, fabric, or design; any problems you encountered and how you solved them; what you learned; or how you plan to use the item. You will give the talk to the judges and at the style show while the quilted item is shown. The talk is brief, only 1-3 minutes; however you will not be penalized for going over the time limit. 

Participants are asked to turn the following items into your local Extension Office: 

  1. The pattern (if applicable)
  2. Fabric samples



A style show is held following interviews and judging for those who would like to participate. 

Information on modeling to help you prepare:

* When fashion revue participants enter the room for judging, they will be modeling their garments for the judges.

Embroidery Score Sheet

Fashion Revue Score Sheet

Knitting & Crocheting Score Sheet

Quilt Show Score Sheet