Publications in Review or in Prep

  • Zolkos, S.G., Jantz, P., Cormier, T., Iverson, L., McKenney, D., Goetz, S.J. In review. Projected tree species redistribution under climate change: Implications for ecosystem vulnerability across protected areas in the eastern United States. Ecosystems.
  • Hansen, A.J., L. Phillips, R. Dubayah, S. Goetx, M. Hofton.  In Review.  Regional-scale application of Lidar: Variation in forest canopy structure across the southeastern U.S.  Forest Ecology and Management.
  • Monahan, W.B., D.M. Theobald. In prep. Strategic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Partnerships Facilitate Species' Responses to Climate Change.
  • Monahan, WB.  & N.A. Fisichelli. In Prep. Climate Exposure of US National Parks in a New Era of Change.  Plos One.

LCCVP Policy Reports

  • Amberg, S., K. Kilkus, S. Gardner, J. E. Gross, M. Wood, and B. Drazkowski. 2012. Badlands National Park: Climate change vulnerability assessment. Natural Resource Report NPS/BADL/NRR—2012/505. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. 304 pages.
  • Chambers, N., G. Tabor, Y. Converse, T. Olliff, S. Finn, R. Sojda, and S. Bischke. 2013. The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative Strategic Conservation Framework
  • Monahan, W.B, D.E. Swann, J.A. Hubbard, and J.E. Gross. 2012. Monitoring park landscape dynamics through NPScape: Saguaro National Park.  Park Science, 29(1) online:
  • Monahan, W. B., J. E. Gross, L. K. Svancara, and T. Philippi. 2012. A guide to interpreting NPScape data and analyses. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NRSS/NRTR—2012/578. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado
  • Monahan, W. B., and M. Kinseth, and K, Hyde. In prep. Current status of parcel-level development around Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area. Natural Resource Data Series NPS/XXXX/NRDS—20XX/XXX. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Gross, J.E, K. Johnson, P. Glick, and K. Hall. In Review.  Understanding climate change impacts and vulnerability.  In “Managing for Change: A Guide to Principles and Practice for Climate-Smart Adaptation”.
  • Riber, J. and T. Olliff, compilers. 2013. America’s Great Outdoors Crown of the Continent Demonstration Landscape, Interagency Strategic Plan FY13-18.  18pp.
  • Todd, B., L. Read, and T. Olliff, compilers. 2013. Climate Change Workshop Summary Report. February 5-6, 2013. Lakewood, CO. IMR/DSC-Planning.  75pp.
  • Olliff, T., P. Gonzalez, P. Benjamin. 2013. Developing partnerships and tools to promote climate change adaptation. Intermountain Region Crossroads in Science.  Autumn 2013. Pages 25-32.
  • Whittington, T., T. Olliff, and P. Benjamin, compilers. In Prep.. The Intermountain Region Report on activities in the Climate Change Action Plan.