Subject: Personnel
Policy: Additional Compensation
Revised: N/A
Effective Date: July 1, 2013
Review Date: July 1, 2015
Responsible Party: Human Resources
  • Table of Contents
  • 100.00 Definitions

100.00 Definitions

"Additional Compensation" means remuneration from University-controlled funds paid to an employee in addition to his or her institutional base salary. Royalties, fees from copyrights and patents, as well as monetary awards, prizes, recognitions and honors, research incentives, retention incentives are not considered additional compensation.

"Administrative Component" means additional compensation for performing substantial administrative duties for a college, department, center, or other unit of the University. The administrative component may be paid from state-appropriated or non-state-appropriated funds.

"University-controlled Funds" means monies from state-appropriated funds, fees and tuition, designated accounts, auxiliary services, grants and contracts, gifts and donations which are controlled and managed by the University.

101.00 Purpose

The University has priority claim on the working time of full-time faculty and staff. Therefore, when faculty members or staff undertake additional activities, University-sponsored or non-University sponsored, they must ensure that their assigned duties are fulfilled.

The purpose of this policy is to set forth the limited circumstances in which faculty and professional contract employees may earn additional compensation subject to the approval of the applicable supervisor, dean and vice president. Additional compensation is a temporary adjustment of salary and is not a permanent increase to an employee's institutional base salary. Approval for additional compensation is expressly conditioned on compliance with university policy, the availability of funds and may be suspended or removed at any time upon five days’ notice.

No employee may be paid additional compensation for providing to the same clientele the same services which are part of their assigned University duties. In particular, no faculty member may receive compensation for tutoring students of the University. A teaching assistant may not receive compensation for tutoring students in any course in which they have any responsibility.

102.00 Types of Additional Compensation

102.01 Recognitional Awards, Endowed Chairs, Regents Professors, Named Professorships

The University may occasionally wish to recognize outstanding employees with additional compensation. Such compensation will vary in amount and duration depending, in part, on the intent of the donor, the availability of funds, and the criteria established for the award.

102.02 Off-Campus Assignment Allowance

Faculty members are sometimes on University-approved assignments in other United States or international locations. Two general types of salary adjustments may be appropriate: Compensation for a Change in Responsibility or Cost of Living Differential.

A. Compensation for a Change in Responsibility.

When an interim assignment results in greatly increased responsibility for the faculty member, the funding source may offer additional compensation for the duration of the assignment.

B. Cost of Living Differential.

Faculty members on University-related assignments in other locations often incur increased costs of living. The funding source may provide a cost of living differential to the faculty member for the duration of the assignment.

102.03 Extended University Credit Courses

Faculty members may teach up to the equivalent of six semester credits of extended studies courses per academic year and may retain the compensation from that teaching without any special permission beyond that required to set up the course itself.

102.04 Summer Employment of Faculty

The University may rehire faculty members on AY contracts for specific duties, including teaching or research during the summer months. The maximum amount that may be earned during the summer is 3/9ths of the faculty member’s AY salary.

102.05 Special Assignments/Projects

The University may assign individual faculty and staff members to perform special professional services such as participation in the teaching program of another unit or department, teaching in the Honors Program, or participation in a specially funded project which is clearly beyond the normal assignments for that individual, including privately sponsored research.

Additional compensation paid for special assignments/projects should not exceed 20% of the employee’s monthly base salary. When it is necessary to provide additional compensation to a faculty member for a University-sponsored activity for which faculty release time cannot be obtained, the compensation should be based on the work to be performed. Normally no additional compensation should be allowed for teaching a course above a faculty member's usual teaching load. Teaching loads may vary depending on the department’s needs.

102.06 Federal Grant Funding

The Office of Management and Budget Circular A-21 applies to additional compensation paid in whole or in part from all federally funded projects, including those for which funds received by the University are from another entity, e.g., from a state agency or other university that has received federal funds for the project in question. OMB Circular A-21 places certain restrictions on additional compensation paid from projects sponsored with federal funds.

OMB Circular A-21 states in part: "In no event will charges to sponsored agreements, irrespective of the basis for computation, exceed the proportionate share of the base salary for that period. The principle applies to all members of the faculty at an institution. Since intra-university consulting is assumed to be undertaken as a university obligation requiring no compensation in addition to full-time base salary, the principle also applies to faculty members who function as consultants or otherwise contribute to a sponsored agreement conducted by another faculty member at the same institution. However, in unusual cases where consultation is across departmental lines or involves a separate or remote operation, and the work performed by the consultant is in addition to his regular departmental load, charges for such work representing additional compensation above the base salary are allowable provided that such consulting arrangements are specifically provided for in the agreement or approved in writing by the sponsoring agency."

The University will pay additional compensation from federal and state pass-through funds only as allowed by OMB Circular A-21. Faculty may receive additional compensation for work on privately sponsored research if approved by the sponsor and the university and subject to the limitation of 20% of the faculty member’s institutional base salary set forth in 102.05.