Preferred Email:Lucca Reiter

[email protected]


Dr. Ian Handley


Social Cognition

Summary of Research Interests:

Unconscious thought, action and inaction goals, perceptions of science

Conference Presentations:

Whillock, S. R., Reiter, L. A., & Handley, I. M. (January 2017). Unconscious Thought: Biased by Negative Framing?Poster presented at the 18thannual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.


 Kerkaert, A., Handley, I. M., Reiter, L. A., Whillock, S. R., & Smith, J., (March 2018).  Why Gender Biased Reactions to Findings of Gender Bias?Poster presented at the 19thannual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA. 

Travel Awards:

College of Letters and Science Student Research Travel Grant, Montana State University (Winter 2017; $400.00).  Funding to attend the 2017 conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.


College of Letters and Science Student Research Travel Grant, Montana State University (Winter 2018; $400.00).  Funding to attend the 2018 conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.