U.S. citizen or permanent resident

F31: enrolled in a research doctoral degree program

F32: research or clinical doctoral degree (e.g. PhD)

Need an established advisor and research plan (students generally apply as 2nd-3rd year PhD students)

Most relevant to MSU: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Others: NCI, NIA, NINDS, NEI, NHLBI, NHGRI and many more

2-3 Years of funding including stipend, tuition and fees, childcare stipend

April 8, August 8, December 8
**exact date may change slightly year to year

Difficult — 40+ pages, including biosketch, description of facilities and equipment, abstract, project narrative, specific aims, background and goals, scientific approach.

3-5 reference letters that cannot be from sponsor (advisor)

Each unique application may have one (1) resubmission