


The Office of Research Development works closely with students, faculty, and staff from across Montana State University to support and enhance the proposal development process. Whether you are pursuing a large center grant or a graduate research fellowship, our team offers a comprehensive suite of no-cost services from which you can choose:

  • Locating funding opportunities
  • Consulting on funding programs and project fit (strategic intelligence)
  • Understanding funding solicitations
  • Identifying proposal collaborators
  • Facilitating ideation and proposal planning meetings
  • Making connections to units, resources, and facilities
  • Managing complex, multi-investigator proposal projects
  • Procuring proposal exemplars
  • Developing white papers/concept papers
  • Providing templates and boilerplate language
  • Developing proposal budgets
  • Coaching on general grant/proposal/fellowship writing
  • Conducting non-technical proposal reviews 
  • Funding external expert proposal reviews
  • Coordinating institutional support letters and cost share
  • Enhancing societal relevance and impact of research
  • Interpreting proposal reviews and developing a resubmission strategy
  • Assisting with “Just-In-Time” requests
  • Preparing for funder site visits