Scholarship can profoundlybenefitsociety beyondacademia.Most funders now require scholars to propose and enact compelling plans for research that has positive societal impact beyond academia. This resource is intended to assist grant proposal writers across different fields at MSU to understand, effectively address, and communicate theresearchimpacts of their work. In addition, the Office of Research Development offers workshops,trainings,and consultations devoted to developingresearch impactsas part of the proposal-writing process. 

Understanding ResearchImpact in Grant Proposals 

Integrating broader impacts effectively within grant proposals involves thoughtful planning, clear communication, and consideration of the specific needs and opportunities of the target audience. Here are some key considerations when addressing broader impacts:

  1. Identify Relevant Stakeholders
  2. Articulate Impact Goals
  3. Plan for Effective Engagement
  4. Promote Education and Outreach
  5. Foster Collaboration and Partnerships
  6. Assess and Evaluate Impact
  7. Communicate Impact


 Examples of ResearchImpacts in Different Fields 

  • STEM Education: Creating hands-on workshops for K-12 students, establishing mentorship programs, and developing educational resources for teachers. 
  • Environmental Research: Organizing community clean-up events, conducting public awareness campaigns on environmental conservation, and collaborating with local authorities to develop sustainable practices. 
  • Health and Biomedical Sciences: Partnering with healthcare organizations to implement research findings into clinical practice, providing health education sessions to underserved communities, and organizing health screening camps. 
  • Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences: Conducting research that informs public policy decisions, collaborating with community organizations to address social issues, or installing an exhibit at a museum.


Funders’ Resources on Research Impacts

National Science Foundation  

National Institutes of Health 

National Endowment for the Arts 

NEH For All (National Humanities Alliance) 

Department of Energy Community Benefits Plans 


Research Impacts Resources

Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS): The purpose of ARIS is to advance impacts of research for the betterment of society and the expansion of research. ARIS elevates research impact by providing high-quality resources and professional development opportunities and by creating connections among researchers, community partners, and engagement practitioners. ARIS provides a thriving global community representing all areas of research impact. The ARIS Community welcomes anyone interested in the intersection between research and society. 

ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit: The resources and tools on this site are designed to help Researchers and BI Professionals develop projects and partnerships that will satisfy the Broader Impact requirement of National Science Foundation (NSF) proposals, and help you fulfill your interest in communicating your science. 

Documenting the Impact of the Public Humanities in Higher Education—a Toolkit: An evaluation tool of publicly engaged humanities and social science projects. 

A2RU: a2ru builds community and drives transformative culture change for the arts and arts integration in higher education, while fostering innovative and generative connections between ideas, disciplines, people and institutions. Our passionate and generous community shares insights, best practices, tools, experiences, and more.