Description of Request

Submitted By: Jason Carter, Vice President for Researcvh & Economic Development and Graduate Education

The new Vice President for Research and Economic Development and Graduate Education (VPREDGE) is in need of a lab to conduct sleep research, which he is transferring from Michigan. Due to accreditation needs, the lab needs 2 temperature controlled bedrooms for queen sized beds with restrooms in each, a consulting room, washer and dryer for linens, kitchenette area for food prep (for breakfast that would be served in the consulting room), blood work processing area, and a monitoring area. CFT5 rooms 205 and 207 was allocated to WTI, but is now essentially being used as storage. Room 205 is 1563 square feet and room 207 is 123 square feet.


Date: December 6th, 2019

The allocation and subsequent renovation of CFT5 rooms 205 and 207 was unanimously approved by the Space Management Committee.