Description of Request

Submitted By: Keith Hutchison, Department of Psychology

Psychology is hiring a productive Tenure Track faculty member (start date Aug 15, 2020) who needs 3 -4 rooms (1 room large enough for group testing, 1 general meeting room, and 2 individual testing rooms). We could free up a small room in Traphagen by repurposing a graduate student office, and a large room only if we take over another faculty member's lab which is not being used very frequently. This is not ideal, thus, finding 3-4 rooms somewhere else would be preferred. AJMJ 103 (HELPS lab) or something like it would be a good type of space for the incoming faculty member. His office could potentially be in Traphagen 303, once we abate the asbestos in there.


Date: February 7th, 2020

The Space Management Committee unanimously approved the allocation of Traphagen rooms 407, 409, 413 and 419 for the new incoming tenure track hire. Room 413 will be converted from a graduate student space into a lab space as part of this allocation.