Description of Request

Submitted By: Lorelyn Mayr, Extension

MSU Extension and HHD Departments will be hiring a new Family & Consumer Science Specialist to replace Dr. Sandra Bailey's position, specializing in Gerontology. This specialist will work closely with the existing FCS Specialists located in rooms 321, 322 and 323 of Reid Hall. The new position will have administrative support from an assistant located in room 319 of Reid Hall.  We are requesting Reid 317 so that all of our FCS Specialists working in HHD are in the same building/floor. There is a strong desire to locate this new faculty member near the other FCS Specialists as they will need to collaborate on many projects and grants. It will ease their transition into the new position and encourage communication and inclusion.

Reid 320 was our allocated space for Wendy Stevens, and we would like to keep the space within our group and continue to use it for the staff.  We have grants which are run by a project manager; the project manager left in February and has been replaced by another. She needs this office space, and we are also using space in the office for two other interns who work part time on other grants for Extension/HHD. The Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Montana project program manager manages the budget, events, planning and advertising for the functions on the two grants associated with this project. The Responding to Farmers and Ranchers Under Stress in Montana grant has an intern position responsible for completing all research on the project. Both individuals currently share the office space in room 320 of Reid Hall. 


Date: April 3rd, 2020

Space Management Committee unanimously approved the allocation of Reid 317 to Extension, as well as the continued use of Reid 320.