Description of Request

Submitted By: Julian Collins, Elizabeth Marum; TRiO Student Support Services

Our space is very crowded. It’s not unusual for both rooms to be full and the front office to be standing room only. We’re often loud. We’re a diverse program with students from all majors across the university advancing through all ranks of their undergraduate studies. We have transfers from Tribal and 2-year colleges, returning non-traditional students, single parents and incoming Freshman just out of high school. We offer safe space, non-judgmental conversation and academic advising. The Director’s and Retention Specialist’s office are more private for one-on-one advising and other duties. We are asking for a study room that is quiet and close to our office. The current “study room” sometimes fits this role but is often overcrowded. Students tell us they would be here more often if they could find a space. We provide headphones and white noise apps to compensate. There is no predictable pattern for students who occupy our office. Students come and go. Sometimes we are extremely overcrowded. Friday afternoons are light as is the rest of campus. Reid Room 315 is an office next to our reception office. It has been lightly occupied for two years and now sits vacant. This would be ideal space for TRIO Student Support Services to occupy as a study room. Our space is heavily used and we need more space close to our offices. We serve a cohort of 150 students in four small offices that were 3 faculty offices and a kitchen when the Business School was located in Reid. Our director and retention specialists each have offices. Our student have common space in a study room with a table and four chairs, and the reception office with two student computers, a printer, coffee machine, small couch and water dispenser. TRIO scholars are low-income, first generation, or students with disabilities. Some are students are referrals from various department including Disability Services, academic advisers who recognize a need for greater support, a those have been "assigned" to TRIO by the Dean's Office.  


Date: April 3rd, 2020

Space Management Committee unanimously approved the allocation of Reid 315 to TRiO Student Support Services so that they may provide an additional student space for more student computers, quiet student space, and to support their student mentoring program.