Description of Request

Submitted By: Clemente Izurieta, Associate Professor of Computer Science

The NACOE requests that one third of NAH 324 be allocated to Clemente Izurieta from the Gianforte School of Computing for the newly funded $3.1 million cybersecurity research project funded by the Department of Homeland Security in conjunction with Idaho National Laboratory. Additionally, NACOE requests that another third be allocated to Brock LeMeres from the department of Electrical & Computer Engineering for NASA research projects. The space will need to be equipped with large pane displays, benches and space to accommodate approximately 10 people (students, visiting faculty, post docs etc.) Clemente and LaMeres are already collaborating on research projects and their research interests intersect, therefore this shared use would be appropriate and beneficial.  Because all programs are rapidly expanding NACOE would like to request that the final one third of the space to remain unallocated to a specific user but maintain its previously designated purpose for research in order to accommodate future growth, either by Izurieta and LaMeres or an as yet undetermined additional user.


Date: November 6, 2020

Space Management Committee, with support from the Research Space Committee, has approved the allocation of NAH 324 to Clemenete Izurieta and Brock LaMeres to expand their research endeavors.