Description of Request

Submitted By: Jovanka Voyich, Department Head of Microbiology & Immunology

The Vice President of Economic Development & Graduate Education (VPREDGE) office has agreed to a 2-year lease of some first floor space in the Molecular Bioscience Building (MBB), and has prioritized the Microbiology & Immunology (MBI) department for some space shifts due to the aggressively growing biomedical research enterprise. The following has been endorsed by VPREDGE:

1. Relocation of Dr. Seth Walk to MBB 160 (with attached ancillary rooms connected to the main lab, specifically 159, 162, and 163). The vacated space of Dr. Walk's currently lab in Cooley is being requested for another departmental purpose (see below).

2. Relocation of Dr. Ed Schmidt to MBB 154 (with attached ancillary rooms connected to the main lab, specifically 153 and 155). The vacated space of Dr. Schmidt would be Cooley 328 and 314A, and we are not requesting any use for that freed up space at the moment. That space will go into moratorium with space management until another appropriate use is identified.

3. For the freed up space by Dr. Walk's move (i.e., Cooley 415), we are requesting reassignment of that space to Dr. Voyich as MBI dept head so it can be used as shared user space for small animal work by a number of MBI faculty (i.e., Walk, Schmidt, Jutilia, and others).

The recent increased grants received by both Dr. Walk and Schmidt necessitate these changes, and this plan is fully endorsed by VPREDGE, who is leasing the space using F&A from biomedical grants.



Date: January 8, 2021

Space Management Committee approved the allocation of MBB 159, 160, 162, 163 to Dr. Seth Walk. Walk's vacated space in Cooley Lab 415 was reallocated to the department head for shared use between faculty within MBI. MBB 153, 154, 155 was allocated to Dr. Schmidt with his vacated space in Cooley 314A and 328 returning to university space pool. In addition, the committee approved the allocation of MBB 156, 157 and 158 for research purposes with an occupant to be determined at a later date. This future assignment would be brought forward to the appropriate committees for approval consistent with Space Policy and Research Space Guidelines.