Description of Request

Submitted By: Jason Carter, Vice President for Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education (VPREDGE)

In February 2020 the Space Management Committee approved the conversion of MT Hall 221A from an office into a small conference room. Due to heavy use of the conference room in the VP Admin and Finance office (room 211I), it was agreed upon that having an additional conference room on the same floor would be beneficial. However, this decision was made pre-COVID, and since then in-person meetings have declined substantially and meetings post-Covid are likely to remain more limited. More importantly, the VPREDGE has hired an Associate VPR (Liz Shanahan), and has a remote working Assistant VPR (Jayne Morrow) that occasionally comes to campus for 2-3 days at a time for meetings. The proposal is to return MT Hall 221A back into an office, and have that be a shared office space for the two Associate/Assistant VPRs. While Liz Shanahan will be the primary occupant, there is enough space for Jayne Morrow to also have a workspace when she is on campus.  



Date: February 5, 2021

Space Management Committee approved the change in use for MT Hall 221A.The room will no longer be used as conference room and will be converted back into an office for use by Associate and Assistant VPRs.