Description of Request

Submitted By: Holly Thompson, Master of Science in Science Education (MSSE)

The Masters of Science in Science Education (MSSE) program recently accepted responsibility for the National Teachers Enhancement Network (NTEN) program and all of their online courses. Many of these courses are “lab based” that require mailing out kits that contain all of the equipment needed for the course. The students then return the kits and the kits are stored until the next time the course is taught. Because they contain lab materials the kits need a level of climate control.
The materials are currently being stored by Academic Technology and Outreach (ATO) but they have requested the materials be moved out of their space. A new storage location is needed, preferably in close proximity to MSSE offices in Reid Hall.
Currently, EHHD/TRiO has basement storage in Reid 004 and 004A. Immediately across the hall room 016 is an underutilized space currently assigned to Facilities Services. Facilities has no plans for the space and is in agreement than storage would be appropriate. The proposed allocation would relocate EHHD/TRiO storage into room 016, MSSE into 004A, and allocate 004 for future storage to be held vacate until an appropriate request is received, and to be assigned by Space Planning with an informational update to SMC should this occur.



Date: February 5, 2021

The Space Management Committee approved the allocation of the storage space in Reid Hall 016 for use by EHHD and TRiO, as well as the allocation of Reid Hall 004A to the MSSE program. Reid Hall 004 will be held vacate until an appropriate request is received, and to be assigned by Space Planning with an informational update to SMC should this occur.