Description of Request

Submitted By: Bernadette McCrory (M&IE), Elizabeth Johnson (CoN), Laura Stanley (GSoC)

A new grant from the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust, in conjunction with contributions from NACOE,
MRJCON, and VPREDGE, will support ongoing efforts by Montana State University to expand biomedical
engineering research and education with an emphasis on developing new technologies to improve rural
health care. The Biomedical Innovation for Research and Development Hub (BioReD) is an
interdisciplinary instrumentation center that uses state-of-the-art technology, research practice and
innovative ideas to address biomedical systems engineering design, healthcare system improvement, and
clinical practice advancement. Engineers, scientists, and healthcare practitioners collaborate to promote
wellness leveraging biomedical engineering and biological sciences to expand understanding and positively
impact lives and society, especially for Montanans. The Hub plans for a soft opening next Spring.

The university has recently secured a lease at 31950 Frontage Road, and a portion of that space was
allocated to Gallatin College and the Stretch Broken Carbon Fiber (SBFC)/Advanced Composites team at
the April 2023 Space Management Committee meeting. Currently, additional space is available within the
eastern part of the building that is not being utilized. Therefore, Dean Gunnink of NACOE is in support of
allocating this space for use by the BioReD Hub. The instrumentation facility requires a flexible, research-driven
space that will house a new biomedical makerspace and three simulation pods equipped with
Augmented Reality and simulation manikins for healthcare and medically driven questions. Additionally,
the center requests the use of office space for the three PIs of the project and student workers. The exact
locations and configurations of each component will be determined during the design process to ensure the
most efficient utilization of the space and best locations for each. It is desired to keep everything as modular
as possible to support the ease of installation, and to support a potential long-term move to central campus
in the future. The scope of work can be delegated to Facilities Work Control where appropriate, or inclusive
to the larger project. The design of the space will create a corridor along the southern end of room 101 in
order to preserve the shared use of the conference room located in room 104, as well as shared access to the
restrooms located in the SBFC space.


Date: July 7, 2023

Space Management Committee has approved the allocation of a portion of 31950 Frontage Road for use by the BioReD facility.

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105
[email protected]