EE101 Introduction to Electrical Fundamentals Lab at Montana State University

In Summer and Fall 2004 I worked on a major revision to make the course based on small, mobile robots that the students would build and test during the semester.  Eleven labs and five assembly guides were prepared and edited.

I taught the course previously during Fall 2002Spring 2003, and Fall 2003. Each semester I made incremental improvements to the lab experiments and methods, ultimately culminating in the major revision above.


EE475 HW&SW for Embedded Systems at Montana State University

In 2004 the ECE Department acquired new development boards and software for the microprocessor lab.  This also required a complete re-write of the laboratory experiments for EE475.


Materials for ECEN4002:  Digital Signal Processing Lab at the University of Colorado-Boulder

The course was taught during the Spring semester of 2002.  All of the lecture notes and labs were prepared from scratch.  The University of Colorado version of the materials I developed (see URL: )


Materials for EEngr 233 and EEngr 234: Sophomore Circuits Labs at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

I developed and continuously revised these lab experiments in the early 1990s at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  The experiments and descriptions were developed from scratch.  The files have been converted from Macintosh .doc files to .pdf, so please ignore any misplaced symbols.