The ASMSU Senate is the elected student government responsible for representing the voice and interests of the MSU-Bozeman student body. If you, as a member of the MSU student body, have an issue that you want the Senate to address, please contact the Senator representing your college or an At Large Senator. Senate may take action on such requests in the form of a resolution or a bill, which would be presented to the entire Senate to be voted upon. Senate leadership consists of a Senate President and Senate Vice President, who are elected by and from the Senate. 



The ASMSU Senate holds public meetings during the academic year every Thursday at 6pm in the SUB Alumni Lounge except during the first and final weeks of each semester and holidays.




The ASMSU Senate allocates student activity fees to ASMSU programs through annual budgeting each spring semester.






The ASMSU Senate consists of 21 senators elected from their respective Colleges. 
Seats for 2024-2025 are apportioned as follows:

College Number of Seats


Arts and Architecture 1
Business 2
Education/HHD 1
Engineering 4
Letters and Science 4
Nursing 1
At Large 6


2024-2025 ASMSU Senator Bios

College of Agriculture Website


Montana State University provides education, research, and outreach programs focused to meet the changing needs of Montana. The College of Agriculture and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station generate and disseminate superior knowledge and technological solutions to increase the competitiveness of Montana's communities, preserve environmental quality, and improve the quality of life for all our citizens.


To create environments where students, faculty, staff and stakeholders benefit from innovative learning, discovery and outreach programs in agriculture and natural resources.


Sophia Franzia

Ag Senator

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-10:30am

Bio: My name is Sophia Franzia. I am a junior in Environmental Science with a concentration in Soil and Water Science, and a minor in Political Science. Over the last year, I have interned at Cok Kinzler Law, been an active member of The Navigators, served at my church, and spent my last summer in Uganda on a summer mission. Coming from a 5th generation farming family, I am passionate about farming, and hope to be an uplifting and powerful voice for the College of Agriculture in ASMSU.

Platform:I have 2 points of focus if I were to be elected a senator for the College of Agriculture. First, I want to emphasize connecting students in the College of Ag. with industries and internships in their field of choice before graduation. I desire to improve opportunities and awareness for students to acquire real work experience and finish their undergrad degree as prepared individuals for the workforce. Second, I want to represent and be an advocate for students of all backgrounds in the College of Ag. Our college is diverse with many majors and numerous backgrounds, and to the best of my ability I hope to speak for our student population's needs and desires.


Matthew Gozo

Ag Senator

Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 8-10am

Bio: My Name is Matthew Gozo, I am a sophomore in the College of Agriculture, currently studying Agriculture Communication. I am originally from Brentwood California, I grew up working around a lot of orchards, row crops, and a cattle ranch. Agriculture has changed my personal well being over my time and I would like nothing more than to give back and inform prospective students about the many different opportunities and experiences you gain in agriculture. Over the past year I found passion in several student organizations and opportunities on an off MSU campus. Through my career in college and my upbringing as a young agriculturalist I have developed the importance and devotion for being involved and being active through all walks of life. Upon attending MSU that has been one of my main priorities. Currently, I serve as the risk chair for the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, where I uphold and ensure the safety of our members and guests and continue to take on the responsibility and liability that a leadership role requires. Additionally, I am an active member of the MSU Admissions office Advocat tour guide program where I continue to expand my knowledge and understanding of MSU and the university system and share that knowledge with the future of MSU. I have taken up pivotal positions and maintain a presence in the College of Agriculture Ag Ambassadors, Farm Bureau’s Collegiate Young Farmers & Ranchers Club, and I am a go to representative for any organization when help is wanted or guidance is needed. As I currently run for a Associated Students of Montana State University College of Agriculture Senate seat I want the students currently attending Montana State University to understand the importance of their voice having weight and being a part of the decisions made by ASMSU. The opportunity to bring our campus back to our students hands has never been more available and it continues to be the leaders of ASMSU’s job to seize it. I plan to serve the students in the College of Agriculture and the university student body with humility and honesty and I will make sure every voice is heard and the majority will prevail.

Platform: Goals as a broad term is a mile marker individuals that are trusted with the service of others must set in order to look in the mirror and evaluate the service they are providing and the benefit it has. When determining goals for an ASMSU senate seat and one that is marketed for the College of Agriculture we must center our attention around main ideas. If elected to this position, working for the students of MSU and representing the Ag sector as their voice of reason is the center for my campaign and a goal that will be achieved in my year of service. I want the majority of the students in the college to know they can come to me with any questions or concerns, and to understand that attending a university where the student body has decision making responsibilities is rare and underutilized. I want the students to bring new ideas that can enhance the campus we all call home and improve the industry my constituents are so proud to represent. Enrolled students at Montana State University have the mindset that they are a number in the masses and a paycheck in our staffs pocket, the only way this changes is with the effort to meet them where they are and extend the hand that allows them to speak up and provide the stage on which they will enact their change. I plan to network within our student body to gather their opinions on prominent concerns, appreciations, and ambitions, and use ASMSU as the intended engine to bring those topics in the presence of enacting leaders. Recruitment outreach and program understanding is something all colleges, especially the College of Agriculture, have the chance to inform and promote in the community colleges and prospecting ears when wanting to further higher education. Informing prospective students of the experiences and many opportunities the College of Agriculture has to offer, the people and money we possess to support it and the leaders we have to improve it. Agriculture presence in all campus aspects is severely under-represented, as the third largest college we have the chance to provide more agriculture employers at the career fairs and inform the nearly 17,000 enrolled students of MSU that agriculture is everywhere and can not be an opportunity that lay dormant any long. As a concluding goal, equipping our students with valuable knowledge, resources and professional opportunities us at MSU are fortunate to partake in, a true change of Montana State culture, representation, and student understanding could be possible and as College of Ag Senator Elect I hope to be the tip of the spear in that inspiring task. Through the upcoming term in ASMSU and for student leaders across campus the chance to build a bridge between ASMSU the College of Agriculture and the current leaders of our campus will create a healthy relationship for the students to be heard and the motivation to continue. The opportunity to be a student at MSU, a member of this student body, and a leader in my college is one I do not take lightly and I have set the expectation for quality leadership and foreseeable change.

College of Arts & Architecture Website


The College of Arts & Architecture fosters a vibrant and inclusive environment of learning that prioritizes creativity, innovation and risk-taking—cultivating graduates who are historically engaged, technically sophisticated and creatively motivated.


Relying on the uniqueness of our place in Montana and the special talents of our faculty, the College of Arts & Architecture will inspire and challenge students and communities to engage with the world through creative and critical inquiry and expression.






An At-Large Senator is a member of a legislative body, such as a student government, who is elected to represent the entire student body rather than a specific constituency, college, or department. ASMSU At-Large senators typically focus on broader university-wide issues and concerns, working to ensure that the diverse perspectives and needs of all students are considered in the decision-making process.



Kailer Hegna

At-Large Senator

Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 11am-1pm

Bio:Hey guys! My name is Kai Hegna, and I'm a sophomore majoring in political science. I'm from Girdwood, Alaska, where I learned to ski at two years old, and as much as I like the school, I'm a bigger skier than political scientist. Currently, I'm competing in the Freeride World Qualifiers, so skiing is a huge passion of mine. The rail jam we had back in February was awesome, and I would love to bring more events like it to MSU. Maybe even try to get some sponsors so our athletes can get some rad prizes. So, if you want to see more sick events at MSU, vote for me!

Platform: I would love to bring more events to campus while also saving money for the students by cutting unnecessary expenses that seriously add up! As an Alaska resident, I pay out-of-state tuition. $30,000 a year is extremely expensive, but on top of the $760$ a semester that each full-time (resident or non-resident) student pays in fees alone, it's outrageous! So vote for me if you'd like to save money and have fun while doing it!


Taylor Crowley

At-Large Senator

Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:30-10:30am and  Wednesdays 4-5pm, 

Bio:Hey there, Bobcats! My name is Taylor Crowley, a fellow sophomore here at Montana state. I’m currently majoring in Kinesiology-Exercise Science with plans of going to Physician Assistant (PA) school. I have been a member of the Women's Rugby team and currently am a member of the Sigma Alpha Sorority. Continuing to become involved in many different aspects of MSU has always been my goal. I thrive on meeting new faces and exploring new paths. A little bit about my life outside of school is that I absolutely love the snow. You can catch me at Bridger Bowl at least once a week snowboarding! But that's not all, I’m all about embracing the outdoors whether it’s fly fishing, hunting, or just soaking up the beautiful mountains that surround us. MSU has always been a top choice of mine, not only for the academics, but for all the amazing outdoor opportunities Montana offers. Alongside fun outside activities, I work as a Patient Care Technician for Bozeman Health striving to make a difference in people's lives daily. Working alongside people from diverse walks of life is truly fulfilling. As a potential senator, I’m here to be your gateway for concerns and thoughts about issues on campus. Your concerns, your thoughts, they matter, and I’m all about bringing them to the forefront. I want to be able to represent the student body as a whole and make a difference for all students on campus. I believe that everyone has a voice that deserves to be recognized and listened to carefully. All of us Bobcats here at MSU should have a say in our education as well as the experiences that we encounter or want to see in the future.

Platform: Listening to students and their concerns about campus is my main goal. Being an outlet for students to feel heard and feel as though they are contributing to making differences on their college campus is what I strive to represent. I want to be able to listen to the voices of all demographics that walk the MSU campus. Running for an At-Large Senator position allows me to do just that. As a member of the EHHD (exercise health and human development) college and a member of an agricultural sorority I’m exposed to lots of different students with different paths. I hope to bridge the gap between students, making sure each student feels equal to the next. I will represent the students of Montana State University.


Taylor Bookwalter

At-Large Senator & Senate Speaker Pro Tempore

Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:30-5pm and Thursdays 12-5pm

Bio:Hello Cats, my name is Taylor Bookwalter and I am running to be one of your At-Large Senators. I have had the pleasure of serving as a senator for the College of EHHD over the last year, and I have had the opportunity to be a part of various impactful projects. I served as a member of the RSO Funding Board, where we heard from registered student organizations; I was a part of the team that put together an accessible advising space in Reid Hall; and I helped set up for exciting campus events such as Rail Jam and Can the Griz food drive. I cannot express how honored I was to serve with so many amazing people this last year, and I want to continue the projects I have in motion alongside the incredible staff and students at this university. My platform initiatives are listed below, but if you have any questions, please contact me via my social media or during my office hours, which are listed on the ASMSU website. My goal is to provide a voice for the issues that matter most to you; I appreciate you taking the time to read through this and look forward to hearing from all y'all!

Platform: My platform consists of creating more accessible information surrounding topics of interest for my peers; these may include but are not limited to off-campus life & housing, how the student fee dollar is spent, and the continual growth of programs that students are passionate about. I want to make sure that student clubs and programs have the resources they need in order to be successful. As a student who has a full-time job, serves in student government, and aspires to have a social life, I can sympathize with those who are looking to find a school, work, and life balance. In order to do this, I want to work with the existing offices on and off campus dedicated to helping students reach these goals.


Joseph (Lenny) Triem

At-Large Senator

Office Hours: Mondays 2-3pm and Wednesdays 12-1pm

Bio:Hey Bobcats! I'm Lenny, originally from Helena, and I'm here at MSU studying Microbiology and Music, minoring in biochemistry and data science. I am currently an ASMSU Senator and member of the Finance Board, I previously served as the Hall Council president of Hannon-Quads and the Julia Martin Apartments, I have conducted research on flavivirus pathogenesis and the development of new viral diagnostic techniques, and I've been a principal cellist in the MSU Symphony Orchestra since 2021. Outside of school, I love to run, play the cello, and cook. As your potential senator for next year, I hope to prioritize your input and pursue programs that matter most to students and clubs, which you can read more about in my platform.

Platform: My primary goals are to actualize the needs and wants of the student body and to support an environment where every student feels welcome. I will do so by placing a priority on gaining input from organizations like clubs as well as individual students. I will also prioritize fiscal responsibility and campus safety, as affordability and safety invariably impact every student. To ensure transparency and accountability with ASMSU’s use of student fees and to ensure you receive the most value for the student fees you pay, I will advocate for the pairing of data-driven methods with the historical knowledge of our program directors to assess ASMSU spending and advocate for funding reallocation where beneficial. Some of the best examples of value that ASMSU currently brings the student body are in the programs it supports and/or funds, like the ASMSU $10 Lawyer consulting, services from the Office of Off-Campus Student Life, and many others. It is crucial that these effective programs continue to function and provide their services to students, and it will be central to my goals as an ASMSU senator to ensure ASMSU meets their needs and works with them collaboratively to most benefit MSU students. Thank you for voting today, and please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions or suggestions about what you would like to see in the senate next year!


Walter Scheldorf

At-Large Senator & Senate Speaker

Office Hours: Mondays 11am-3pm, Wednesdays 11am-2pm, and Fridays 9-10:30am

Bio: My name is Walter Scheldorf and I'm a fourth-year student studying environmental science and political science with a minor in geographic information science. For the past two years, I've been involved in ASMSU as a Senator for both the College of Agriculture and the At-Large student body. Beyond that, I'm a brother of Sigma Nu, the treasurer of two clubs, and have been a Resident Advisor and the President of the Residence Hall Association. For what seems like the small amount of time I'm off-campus, I'm big on cliff jumping, off-roading, photography, exploring, trees, and staring into the distance. I hope that y'all will elect me to continue to serve this campus in any way that I can. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, emotional outbursts, jokes, pick-up lines, or cool pictures of leaves, hmu at 360-216-9025!

Platform: My main goal for this campus is to make sure that as Montana State continues to grow that no one is looked over or left behind. This means that students must be involved and at the table as this university continues to build itself out. This means that ASMSU must continue to grow to better provide for all the new needs of a bigger student population. This means that clubs of all sizes must be adequately supported so none are looked over. This means building out support systems to ensure that students not only want to stay here another semester but stay through graduation. I hope to continue the work that I've already done in all of these areas for my final year at this university, and leave it as a better place for everyone that will follow behind.


Finn Growney

At-Large Senator

Office Hours: Fridays 1:30-3:30pm

 Bio & Image: Coming Soon

Office Hours:


Kate Johnson

At-Large Senator

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am-12pm

 Bio & Image: Coming Soon

Office Hours:

College of Business Website


To educate our future leaders by creating inspiring, innovative, and engaging experiences that prepare our graduates to serve the evolving needs of business and society. This is achieved through a culture of trust and mutual respect, free expression and inquiry, and a commitment to truth, excellence, and the entrepreneurial spirit.


To be the leader in business education and entrepreneurial innovation for Montana, meaningfully advancing the economic, environmental, and social prosperity of the communities in our state, region, and beyond.



Christopher Timboe

Business Senator

Office Hours: Wednesdays 1-3pm

Bio:Hey all, my name is Chris Timboe and I am currently a student at the Jake Jabs College of Business pursuing a degree in finance. My passion lies in leadership and making a difference in the lives of others. I am actively involved in Odigos, an on-campus fly-fishing club where I have been a leader for the past 3 years. As a candidate, I am committed to advocating for student voices and enhancing the student experience. In my leisure time, you can find me exploring Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho looking for my next favorite river to fish. With my background in leadership and driving positive changes, I am excited for the opportunity to contribute to our MSU community and make a lasting impact.

Platform: My platform revolves around three key pillars aimed at enhancing the student experience within the business college. Firstly, I am committed to empowering the voices of students within our college. Every student's perspective is valuable and should be heard in decision-making processes. Secondly, I aim to remodel the way on-campus clubs receive support. I recognize the importance of clubs in fostering a sense of community and I aim to reach out to the community via local businesses to increase the capacity of our clubs and get creative with funding limitations. Finally, I am passionate about ensuring that every student can walk out of an academic advising meeting feeling confident and supported. It's TIMBOE TIME!


Dillon Solway

Business Senator

Office Hours: Wednesdays 3-5pm

Bio: Hey all, my name is Dillon Solway and I am a senior at Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship currently pursuing a degree in finance and marketing, as well as a minor in entrepreneurship and small business management. My professional aspirations lie in mankind’s natural desire for simple, outdoor recreation and conservation. Outside of the classroom, I have previously and am activley serving as a leader for Odigos, a student established fly fishing club that prioritizes sustanability and enrepreneurship through fishing. If elected, I would further develop my passions for leadership and collaborating with like-minded individuals to enhance the lives of students. Outside of JABS, you can find me exploring new fishing zones, riding mountain bikes, and skiing the ridge. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you to make a lasting positive impact here at MSU!

Platform: My goals if elected are to prioritize acting as a voice for students on campus, providing a feedback loop between students and faculty. I will also act as a voice for student-run clubs on campus, and provide them the tools they need to grow.

College of Education, Health & Human Development Website


As part in the state’s land-grant university, the Montana State University College of Education, Health and Human Development integrates education, creation of knowledge and art, and service to communities.   


Montana State University will transform lives and communities in the people’s interest. VALUES: Excellence, Integrity, Inclusion, Collaboration, Curiosity, Stewardship


Rebekah Storlie

EHHD Senator

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-5pm

Bio: My name is Rebekah and I am a freshman exercise science major with a minor in coaching; after my undergrad I plan to attend graduate school for a master's in athletic training! I am from a super small town in Northern Minnesota, where I enjoy snowmobiling, hunting, fishing, canoeing, and anything else outside. In addition to my schooling, I work as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor at campus recreation, which I am certified to do through NASM, and as an office assistant in the Office of Academic Affairs. I am also a member of the exercise science club and the undergraduate research council! In high school I was the senior class president and the student council president, so I am no stranger to leadership roles and speaking my opinion. I am passionate about individual and community health, especially when it comes to making athletics a space for everyone. The students of EHHD, in my experience, are huge proponents of not only examining and learning about each facet of human health, but also of implementing them into their own lives and our campus. My mission as a senator would be to uphold these values. It is my goal to advocate for movements that will improve the physical and mental wellbeing of all students, and continue to create space for those who want to explore nutrition, exercise, and mental health, whether that be their own or a broader outlook.

Platform: My goal is to help voices be heard that are advocating for student and staff wellness and safety. I hope to be a starting point that students can bring their thoughts or concerns to, trusting that I will value them and bring them to the attention of the whole.

College of Engineering Website


The Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering at Montana State University will serve the State of Montana and the nation by

  • fostering lifelong learning
  • integrating learning and discovery
  • developing and sharing technical expertise
  • empowering students to be tomorrow's leaders



The Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering at Montana State University will be an outstanding collaborative community that achieves excellence in learning, innovation, discovery, and knowledge transfer. To realize this vision, the college will

  • Leverage shared interests and talents among faculty and students in order to create knowledge across disciplinary lines.
  • Effectively and efficiently balance breadth with depth in undergraduate education in order to prepare students for the global workforce.
  • Be a leader in innovation and discovery in our identified focus areas.
  • Successfully integrate research and innovation into the learning experience of both undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Be recognized for the level of knowledge transfer to industry, governments, and citizens in the state of Montana.


Luna Richards

Luna Richards

Engineering Senator 

Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10-11am

Bio:My name is Luna Richards, and I am a senior studying Computer Science with a minor in Computer Engineering here at MSU. I have had the honor of serving as one of your College of Engineering Senators this past year, where I have served on our internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee, and spearheaded projects to make the voices of all students heard. When I'm not doing schoolwork, you can find me working at the American Computer & Robotics Museum, where I assist with curating new & exciting exhibits, or downtown at Last Best Comedy, where I regularly perform stand-up. I am also an Eagle Scout, having earned the honor in 2019 with my project creating access to technology for a local non-profit helping those coming out of homelessness, and I continue to dedicate myself to a life of cheerful service to the community.

Platform: My goals as Senator would be to continue my work in developing ASMSU's Town Hall program, a twice-semesterly open forum for students to provide feedback on ASMSU policy and programs, as well as larger campus issues. I will continue to push for programs that allow ASMSU to better represent its constituents, especially those of underrepresented or marginalized backgrounds. I will continue to advocate for programs that better the lives of our students, including bettering access to and awareness of MSU's wide array of resources, expanding our upcoming safe-ride program CatCab, and pushing for better crisis-response policies at a university level.


Arden Reid

Engineering Senator 

Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10-11am

Bio: My name is Arden Reid, and I am a freshman in the electrical engineering program at MSU. I'm from Oregon, and over the past year, I have worked in multiple peer mentoring programs, as well as coming to MSU to study and spend time in Montana's beautiful outdoors. Since joining the MSU student body, I have become involved in many of our programs, including the Women in Engineering and Backcountry Squatters. If I'm not in class, I'm probably climbing, riding my bike, or going on an adventure with friends. I am someone who is always open to new ideas.

Platform: As a senator, I would like to work on encouraging connection and collaboration between different demographics on campus, whether it be different branches of engineering or merger activities for outdoor clubs. Additionally, I look forward to working with other sections of the ASMSU senate to advocate for initiatives that will benefit all students, and cultivate a sense of community and excitement towards the future of our campus.


Charlie Q Ostergren

Engineering Senator 

Office Hours: Wednesdays 12-2pm

Bio: My name is Charlie Q. Ostergren and I am a sophomore in the Mechanical Engineering program here at MSU. Over the summer I work as a youth canoe guide in Northern Minnesota, I spend my free time here in Bozeman working on various crafting projects (sewing, repairing, tinkering), Nordic skiing on the club team here, trail running through the mountains, and biking every which way. I am passionate about the environment and the choices we make to protect it; I will combine my immersion in the College of Engineering and my passion for the outdoors to promote sustainable practices WITHOUT sacrificing the voices and innovation that drive this campus.

Platform: I will advocate for sustainable practices without sacrificing innovation. - Work with the outdoor rec program to optimize gear usage and care, making it easier to get better gear for your adventures. - Work with the makerspace to organize gear repair workshops and streamline gear repair facilities. -Improve outreach of Campus's many profoundly helpful student resources.



Engineering Senator


College of Letters and Science Website


As the intellectual foundation of Montana State University, the College of Letters and Science (CLS) is the largest and most academically diverse of the University’s colleges. It is the critical teaching and research unit in Montana’s land-grant institution. Our mission is to prepare students to think analytically and creatively in a liberal arts tradition, to engage in research of the highest caliber, and to make meaningful contributions to our local community, the state of Montana, and national and global society.


We are the essential college. CLS faculty are internationally known scholars and teachers at the confluence of diverse intellectual traditions and cutting-edge research. Students benefit from a broad-based liberal arts and sciences education guided by distinguished scholars and teachers. The fifteen departments and three interdisciplinary programs in our College offer over 100 undergraduate majors, minors and options and our thirty-nine graduate programs generated 22 percent of master’s degrees and 54 percent of doctoral degrees granted by MSU during the 2014-2015 academic year.

CLS encompasses the Humanities, the Social Sciences and the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), preparing our students to be independent thinkers and bold visionary leaders. At the forefront of MSU’s external research funding, CLS faculty and students address the most pressing and complex issues facing our society, from the nature of the universe to the workings of the brain, from the roots of social inequality to the challenges of global sustainability. In the College of Letters and Science, we believe in a transformational education inspiring students to live responsibly, seek original answers, and effectively communicate practical solutions back to our local, national and global communities.


Allie Hinds

Position: L&S Senator

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-3pm

Bio:My name is Allie Hinds and I am currently a sophomore majoring in Psychology and obtaining a minor in English Literature. I am originally from Utah but moved here to Montana because I wanted to expand my horizons and experience life somewhere new. In 2022-2023, I served as the Community Engagement Associate for ASMSU and I am currently hold the position of Community Engagement Director for ASMSU. With my job, I have been able to manage and create the Service Saturday event on campus to help provide clubs funding and to help students feel more engage with the Bozeman community. Being able to connect with Non-profits and here their stories and mission along with getting to know fellow students as been an incredible honor and something that I hope to continue to do if elected as senator for the college of Letters and Science. I will be someone that other students can trust with their ideas they have about enhancing their college experience at Montana State University

Platform:One of my goals is to help students know as well as feel like they belong here. College is an intimidating route to go through especially alone no matter what year one is currently in. A way I plan on doing so is by taking the time to open up to other students who are interested in about what I have experienced as well as them sharing with me what they have gone through, and the emotions associated with it. That way, there could be a comforting understanding that can create a feeling of belonging for those who are struggling. Another goal is to have the Bozeman community and the students at Montana State University connect even more to establish an even more rooted connection. A couple of ways to accomplish this goal would be to give more insight about the positives that come with volunteering. Whether it be helping students know what opportunities are available to them or creating more on-campus events and info sessions, I am more than willing to establish that community and student relationship even more than it already is.


Grace Ramey

L&S Senator

Office Hours: Thursdays 12-2pm

Bio:My name is Grace Ramey and I am a sophomore studying Political Science and minoring in English-Writing. I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, but my family moved to Bozeman about 10 years ago, in search of better opportunities. I worked as an intern at montPIRG, a student-run group that promotes positive change, during the fall semester. Through my internship, I assisted in setting up a forum for candidates in the municipal election and helped hundreds of students register to vote on campus. In addition, I participate actively in the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, where I have served on the membership selection committee as well as numerous workforces. My current position is the matching coordinator for this year, where I serve as a leader in the recruitment process. I have helped local families at Family Promise, volunteered all over town at local elementary schools as a CAP mentor, and much more through my sorority and passion for serving the Bozeman community. I enjoy hiking, swimming, exploring Bozeman, and spending time with family and friends. I would be honored to serve as a senator for the students in Letters and Science, and assure all voices will be heard.

Platform: My mission as a senator is to ensure college students always feel supported. Regardless of background or experience, I would love for all students to feel they can advocate for change on campus. Even though going off to college is an intimidating and challenging experience, students should still want to be involved. I will work to ensure that student opinions are constantly considered and that their concerns result in reforms. For students on campus, mental health is unquestionably the most important consideration. I will work to promote student wellness by encouraging and supporting a range of mental health resources, ensuring that students always feel supported by the services they receive.


Benjamin Wilson

L&S Senator

Office Hours: Fridays 10-11am and 2:30-3:30pm

Bio & Image: Coming Soon

Office Hours:



Nomi Friedman

L&S Senator

Office Hours: Tuesdays 11am-1pm

Bio & Image: Coming Soon

Office Hours: 


College of Nursing Website


The Montana State University Mark and Robyn Jones College of Nursing enhances the health of the people of Montana, our nation, and the global community through education, creation of knowledge, and service.


The Montana State University Mark and Robyn Jones College of Nursing transforms lives and communities in the people’s interest. 


Emily Andrews

Nursing Senator

Office Hours: Thursdays 2-4pm

Bio & Image: Coming Soon

Office Hours:



Montana State University
221 Strand Union Building
P.O. Box 174200
Bozeman, MT 59717

(406) 994-2837
[email protected]