Research in CAALM

My program of research is largely informed by models of resilience and risk, and my research blends traditional methodology with culturally responsive science frameworks. I have consistently contributed to psychological science in general by elucidating the influence of biological, emotional, and cognitive processes in development on internalizing and posttraumatic stress disorder development in children and adolescents. Specifically, my expertise in physiological indices of self-regulation (e.g., heart rate variability), emotion regulation, and control beliefs has allowed me to uncover knowledge relevant to anxiety and depressive disorder development, maintenance, and reversal. Application of my work not only includes mainstream youth and families, but more recently has unique foci on American Indian communities. Over the past several years, for instance, I have been partnering with a American Indian tribe in Montana to conduct research relevant to resilience, emotions, and behavioral health in American Indian children. Moving forward, our collective efforts will leverage cultural strengths within communities to promote effective prevention and early interventions programs and positive outcomes for American Indian youth and their non-Native counterparts.

Lab Resources

CAALM is located on the fourth floor of Traphagen Hall at Montana State University. The lab consists of two separate rooms that allow for psychophysiological, cognitive, and behavioral testing and a centralized control room that supports video and audio recording. Psychophysiological data (ECG, Respiration, Impedance Cardiography, EDR) are collected using a Biopac MP150/BioNomadix Wireless System and enables us to collect data from two participants simultaneously and is transportable to remote locations.