This content reflects work done as part of the Indigenous Perspectives in School Librarianship (IPSL) grant funded by IMLS (RE-246303-OLS-20). Actual assignments may vary.

Module Objectives

  • Identify forms of diversity in your school community. These include, but are not limited to: racial and ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability (i.e., mobility), neurodivergent (i.e., autistic), learning styles, spiritual values, and political ideology.
  • Explain whether libraries are neutral and how that impacts a diverse population.
  • Self-reflect on one’s own biases and their impact on creating a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Identify strategies for creating a welcoming and safe environment for all users.
  • Explore the library facility and its role in planning and meeting the learning needs of a diverse population.
  • Consider the purpose and function of a makerspace and whether one would be appropriate for your school community.


Required: Explore all of the following.

Optional: Choose three or more of the following.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
Indigenous History and Perspectives
Accommodating Exceptional Students


Evaluate your school library based on the Include shared foundation, building-level, in the “School Library Evaluation Checklist” (pp. 175) located in the National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries (2018). If you are not the school library, you may need to consult with them to complete the evaluation. If that is not possible, do the best with what you have. For each item, indicate whether the item is met or not and explain the evidence you used to form your conclusion. For example, you might indicate that yes, the school librarian develops and maintains a teaching and learning environment that is inviting, safe, flexible, and conducive to learning; you know this because you know the library has a flexible schedule and you have observed classes engaged in effective learning in the library space.

  • Resources are selected according to the principles of intellectual freedom, and provide learners access to information that represents diverse points of view in a pluralistic society.
  • The school librarian develops and maintains a teaching and learning environment that is inviting, safe, flexible, and conducive to learning.
  • The library ensures equitable physical access to facilities by providing barrier-free, universally designed environments. Facilities and resources are readily accessible before, during, and after school hours and during vacation periods.
  • Each school, regardless of size or level, has at least one full-time certified school librarian.
  • School librarians are evaluated with instruments that address their unique responsibilities and contributions according to established district practices for all professional personnel.

Submit your analysis to your instructor per their directions.


In the module discussion board, participate in the discussion in response to the following prompt.

You should post to the conversation three separate times. You do not need to create a new thread but may respond to a classmate. Consider this a conversation rather than a bunch of individual postings.

Are libraries neutral spaces? Can you be neutral and still meet library standards? Cultural standards? Explain your reasoning. How does your answer impact the decisions you might make as a school librarian and manager of the library facilities?


Complete the module checklist and answer the reflection questions and submit to your instructor per their directions. If you do not believe a statement is true, do not check the box. This is a check in and an opportunity to get assistance from the instructor; it is not graded work. Note that some of the checklist items will repeat each week, while others are unique to the specific module.


  • I have explored all the Think resources for the module.
  • I have considered how the ideas presented in the Think resources apply to my own situation and how to apply them.
  • I can identify areas of diversity in my school community and how the library can support them.
  • I can self-assess the library for inclusion and develop a plan for improving library EDI efforts.
  • I can articulate the importance of the physical environment in the library to learning.
  • I have posted to the discussion boards as required.
  • I have considered the views of my classmates and responded to several of their posts.
  • I have cited sources within my discussion posts where appropriate.
  • I can explain my viewpoint on the neutrality of libraries and how it impacts library services and spaces.
  • I have considered what is essential for me to know from this module and have planned how I will incorporate it into my practice.

Reflection Questions

  • What questions do you have about the course content in this module? (None is not an acceptable answer; exert your curiosity!)
  • What is your biggest take away from this module?