This content reflects work done as part of the Indigenous Perspectives in School Librarianship (IPSL) grant funded by IMLS (RE-246303-OLS-20). Actual assignments may vary.

Module Objectives

  • Identify potential programs for the school library to help support library and school goals.
  • Develop strategies for managing library services.
  • Develop a plan for implementation of a library program.


Required: Explore all of the following.


Use the programming librarian ideas page, or another source, to locate an idea you could implement in your school library to help meet the needs of the school community. Complete a Gnatt chart (see Table 10.1 in Chapter 10 of Managing the Successful School Library) to mark what you would need to do to plan for that program. Write an overview of what the program would consist of, the resources needed to conduct it (including personnel and funding), any major project milestones, and how you will evaluate success. You will share your chart and description in the Share section of the module.


In the module discussion board, participate in the discussion in response to the following prompt.

You should post to the conversation three separate times. You do not need to create a new thread but may respond to a classmate. Consider this a conversation rather than a bunch of individual postings.

Share your Gnatt chart (you can attach a photograph or a digital file), and an overview of what the program would consist of, the resources needed to conduct it (including personnel and funding), any major project milestones, and how you will evaluate success.


Complete the module checklist and answer the reflection questions and submit to your instructor per their directions. If you do not believe a statement is true, do not check the box. This is a check in and an opportunity to get assistance from the instructor; it is not graded work. Note that some of the checklist items will repeat each week, while others are unique to the specific module.


  • I have explored all the Think resources for the module.
  • I have considered how the ideas presented in the Think resources apply to my own situation and how to apply them.
  • I can put together a plan for a library program.
  • I can develop a library program that is aligned to the goals of the school library / community.
  • I have posted to the discussion boards as required.
  • I have considered the views of my classmates and responded to several of their posts.
  • I have cited sources within my discussion posts where appropriate.
  • I can explain my viewpoint on the neutrality of libraries and how it impacts library services and spaces.
  • I have considered what is essential for me to know from this module and have planned how I will incorporate it into my practice.

Reflection Questions

  • What questions do you have about the course content in this module? (None is not an acceptable answer; exert your curiosity!)
  • What is your biggest take away from this module?