May 2020
Content for June County Newsletters
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates
June 1 / Adult Award Nominations deadline extended
July 15 /Ambassador Officer Team & Selection Committee Applications due
July 6-10 /Montana 4-H Congress, Virtual
Sept. 18 /Montana 4-H Foundation Dinner, Bozeman, MT
Oct. 15-17 /Ambassador and Teen Leader Fall Training, Billings MT
Nov. 26-Dec. 1 / National 4-H Congress, Atlanta, GA
Adult State Award Nomination Deadline Extended

Nominations now due: June 1, 2020
Montana 4-H Center Staff have extended the deadline for Adult Award Nominations.
Help us honor our hardworking volunteers across the state!
Please note, we have updated the nomination format to an online survey, rather than a PDF form. We hope this will be a more user-friendly process.
Who should be nominated for an Adult Award?
- Volunteers who have made a positive impact on their community with their 4-H Volunteer efforts
- Volunteers who deserve to be recognized for their hard work and dedication on a state level
- Volunteers who inspire other youth and adults to become involved with 4-H
- Volunteers who go above and beyond the basic expectations to better the 4-H program
If someone you know fits the above criteria, nominate them today, don't delay!
More information about Adult State Awards
Please note that the deadline for youth state awards has passed and has not been extended.
Montana 4-H Congress

2020 is going virtual!
This year, are unable to meet in person due to group size restrictions and MSU campus building and food services restrictions. However, the Montana 4-H Center staff, the 2019-2020 Ambassador Office team, and Agents across the state are working hard to develop a Montana 4-H Congress event that will be unlike any other year. We are committed to provide opportunities that will engage, educate, and entertain youth, just like any other year, while ensuring everyone's safety during these uncertain times.
Please visit our updated webpage for more information. We are continuously updating this page, so check it regularly!
Montana 4-H Congress Webpage
Ambassador Officer Team Application
Applications Due June 15
The Montana 4-H State Ambassador program provides opportunities for youth to represent 4-H through leadership and service at the state level. State Ambassadors Officers are a select team of Montana 4-H Ambassadors that have demonstrated leadership in their county 4-H programs, and who are interested in developing and refining skills to teach other 4-H youth about leadership, promotion and service.
More information about the Ambassador Officer Team Application
Ambassador Officer Team Selection Committee Application
Applications due June 15, 2020
Officer selection is conducted by a committee during Montana 4-H Congress. The interviews
will not conflict with participation in congress events. This is a great way for youth
who are interested in being an Ambassador Officer in future years to learn about the selection
process first hand.
Read the webpage to learn more about requirements, responsibilites, and application
More information about the Selection Committee Application
For questions regarding the State Office Ambassadors program, contact Brett Schomer [email protected]
International Programs
AYP Host Families Needed!

The Academic Year Program (AYP) is still moving forward as normal with the 2020-2021 school year and looking for Host Families!
AYP delegates come from Japan, Korea or a Eurasian country for one school year. The Japanese students have traveled previously to the United States as part of the summer program. English skills are well-developed. Delegates must attend public school. Host families do not need to have children in their homes to host but need to welcome the delegate as a member of their families for a year
More information about Montana 4-H International Programs
If you have questions or wish to apply to be host family, contact: Stephanie Davison at [email protected]
Certificates of Recognition
Recognize your club members with Certificates of Achievements For Club Work!

These certificates are optional, but serve as a great way to congratulate youth on a job well done! These certificates can be used year after year and a gold achievement sticker (sold separately) is placed on the certificate each completed year. Youth can display these certificates in their record books or scrapbooks and will be a piece of memorabilia to commemorate their 4-H experience.
Check with your local county agent before issuing certificates- they may have a format used specifically in your county!
More information about Certificates of Recognition
4-H At Home- National 4-H Resources
Looking for ideas to incorporate into virtual club or project meetings?

Take a look at the fantastic resource page developed by the National 4-H Council. "4-H at Home provides critical learning resources for kids and teens while they're home from school during COVID-19. Explore this page to receive hands-on, educational activities, including our latest 4-H activity guides and Shop 4-H curriculum to help inspire young people to do, learn, and grow."
National 4-H At-Home-Activities
4-H Record Book Resources
Keep your 4-H records current and document how you've adapted your projects during COVID-19
The 4-H program has a long history of record keeping. The focus reflects the importance of this life skill in our daily lives. In 4-H, young people have tracked their activities, events, profits and losses, skill development and learning experiences, and much more using the iconic 4-H Record Book. In addition to record keeping, the 4-H Record Book gives members an opportunity to reflect on their year, measure their achievements and growth, and set goals, and develop plans to meet those goals.