Department of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) during AY 2018-2019

Department Head:
Dr. Elizabeth Burroughs, Professor of Mathematics Education
Wilson Hall 2-212

Department Staff: 2-214 Wilson Hall
Stacie Rath, Business/Operations Manager & Budget - Grants

Katie Sutich, Program Coordinator II, Undergraduate and Graduate Program

Jane Crawford, Administrative Assoc. III

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 Statistics Faculty and Staff:3

Tenure Track Statistics Professors

Dr. Katharine Banner, Assistant Professor of Statistics
Wilson Hall 2-196,  (406) 994-5367,  [email protected]
Dr. Banner believes, as statisticians, we have a responsibility to not only develop methodology for addressing specific research questions, but to also provide tools for assessing when those methods are appropriate to use. She is interested in developing tools and guidelines (e.g., R packages for visualizing data/results) for practitioners to aid in understanding complex (and often popular) methods so that they can make informed decisions about when to use them. Currently, she collaborates with a team of statisticians, ecologists, and bat biologists to develop appropriate methodology for informing conservation and management decisions for the geographically-extensive North American bat monitoring program. This work has sparked a general interest in the use and development of Bayesian methods for ecological applications.

Professor John Borkowski, Professor of Statistics, Certificate in Applied Statistics , Statistics Group Representative to the Graduate Program Committee
Wilson Hall 2-194,  (406) 994-4606,  [email protected]
Dr. Borkowski has been a faculty member in the Department of Mathematical Science at Montana State University since 1991 and a Professor of Statistics since 2003. His primary research and teaching interests include experimental design, response surface methodology, and sampling. His recent research is focused on optimal design of experiments, mixture experiments, and adaptive cluster sampling. He has also been a Visiting Professor at Thammasat University in Thailand since 2005.

Dr. Nicole Carnegie, Assistant Professor of Statistics
Wilson Hall 2-242, (406) 994-3123, [email protected]
Dr. Carnegie's research focuses on the intersections between causal inference, infectious disease modeling, and networks. This includes network-based infectious disease models to inform strategies for HIV prevention and methodologic work on making causal inferences in infectious disease settings, where observations are inherently not independent. She has a line of research developing methods for analyzing potential sensitivity of causal inferences to unobserved confounding in a variety of settings, including multilevel models and Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. For fun, she occasionally enters predictive modeling or causal inference competitions using BART.

Dr. Jennifer Green, Associate Professor of Statistics Education
Wilson Hall 2-225,  (406) 994-5332, [email protected]
Dr. Green's interests include developing strategies and methods to enhance and assess educational programs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)- related disciplines. Her research focuses on the development of statistical methodology to characterize the impact of professional development and educational programs on teacher effectiveness and student learning, and she collaborates with others in the mathematical and educational sciences to create innovative approaches for developing teachers of statistics in grades K-16 and beyond.

Dr. Mark Greenwood, Professor of Statistics
Wilson Hall 2-228, (406) 994-1962, [email protected]
Dr. Greenwook does research on statistical methods for high dimensional and correlated data. This includes supervised and unsupervised classification and high-dimensional testing problems such as those encountered when working with functional data (data that are recorded or can be treated as curves). Additional interests include hierarchical and generalized additive models and methods for incorporating measurement error into statistical models. Application areas include health outcomes related to Multiple Sclerosis and long-term body mass index changes, longitudinal environmental data related to hydrology and climate change, multi-level educational data, with some growing interests in sports statistics.

Dr. Stacey Hancock, Assistant Professor of Statistics
Wilson Hall 2-195, (406) 994-5350, [email protected]
Dr. Hancock's primary research interests lie in statistics education. Currently, she is exploring how students use metaphors and metonymies when learning statistical concepts related to sampling distributions and informal statistical inference. Additional research topics include time series analysis, specifically, change-point detection, and statistical applications in ecology.

Dr. Andrew Hoegh, Assistant Professor of Statistics
Wilson Hall 2-241, (406) 994-5340, [email protected]
Dr. Hoegh's research is largely focused on Bayesian computation with an emphasis on spatial and spatiotemporal modeling. Within that realm, Dr. Hoegh works on projects related to environmental and ecological research and occasionally sports analytics.


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Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Dr. Jeff Carnegie, Assistant Teaching Professor in Statistics and Political Science
Linfield Hall 401

Justin Gomez, Instructor in Mathematics and Statistics
Linfield Hall 401

Elizabeth Mery, Instructor in Mathematics and Statistics
Wilson Hall 2-260

Greta Peterson, Instructor in Mathematics and Statistics
Wilson Hall 2-197

Matthew Pettigrew, Instructor in Mathematics and Statistics
Linfield Hall 401

Jade Schmidt, Assistant Teaching Professor of Statistics & Student Success Coordinator
Wilson Hall 2-263

Sabrina Stites, Assistant Teaching Prof of Mathematics & Statistics & MLC Coordinator/ MTC Coordinator
Wilson Hall 2-260

Melinda Yager, Instructor of Statistics
Wilson Hall 1-145


                Research and Affiliate Faculty

Dr. Martha Ellis, Research Scientist in Mathematics and Statistics

Dr. Megan Higgs, Associate Research Professor of Statistics & Director of Statistical Consulting (until July 1, 2019),
A.J.M. Johnson Hall #103A
Dr. Higgs is a Research Faculty member and is currently working as a statistician for Neptune and Company, Inc and the Director of the Statistics Consulting Research Center at MSU. She is currently interested in Bayesian decision analysis, problems involving multiple spatial and/or temporal scales, and adaptive sampling methods.

Dr. Kathi Irvine, Affiliate Faculty in Statistics
I am a Research Statistician with the U.S. Geological Survey at the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center in Bozeman, Montana. My statistical research evolves from collaborations with ecologists that study bats, plants, and trees and are involved with long term monitoring to inform management of natural resources. I have mentored Statistics students for writing projects and supported graduate research assistants at Montana State University (MSU). Several of my students have participated in writing peer-reviewed papers during their time at MSU. I encourage students interested in applied statistical work with ecological applications to contact me for possible graduate research assistantships, paid summer work, and other opportunities.

Dr. Al Parker, Assistant Research Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
Resident Biostatistician, Center for Biofilm Engineering, Barnard Hall 304

Graduate Assistants (32, not listed here)


Emeritus and Retired Faculty

Jeffrey D. Banfield, Associate Professor of Statistics, Retired 2012, statistical computation, pattern recognition; PhD(1987) Univ.of Washington, MS (1982) Univ. of Arkansas, B.S. (1979) Colorado State Univ.

Robert J. Boik, Professor Emeritus of Statistics, Retired 2009, multivariate statistics, linear models, statistical theory; PhD(1984) and MS (1982) Temple Univ., PhD (1975) and M.A. (1973) Baylor Univ., B.A. (1971) Univ. of St. Thomas

Steve Cherry, Professor Emeritus of Statistics, Retired 2017, statistical applications in ecology and environmental science; PhD (1994) and MS (1990) Montana State University

James F. Robison-Cox, Professor Emeritus of Statistics, Retired 2016, nonlinear and generalized linear models, stat computing, stat consulting, and stat education; PhD(1991) Iowa State University, M.A. (1988) University of Montana, B.S. (1984) Montana State University

Warren W. Esty, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Retired 2015, probability theory, mathematics education; PhD (1973) and M.A. (1967) University of Wisconsin, B.A. (1966) Oberlin College

Martin A. Hamilton, Professor Emeritus of Statistics, Retired 2002, biostatistics, statistical inference; PhD (1968) Stanford University, MS (1962) and B.S. (1961) University of Wyoming

Richard E. Lund, Professor Emeritus of Statistics; Retired 1995, agricultural statistics; PhD (1967) Iowa State University, MS (1960 and 1963) University of Wyoming, B.A. (1957) University of Nebraska Omaha.

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Last revised: 2021-04-19