Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions

Toolkit Overview Video for this Practice





The goal of science is the construction of theories that can provide explanatory accounts of features of the world. A theory becomes accepted when it has been shown to be superior to other explanations in the breadth of phenomena it accounts for and in its explanatory coherence and parsimony. Scientific explanations are explicit applications of theory to a specific situation or phenomenon, perhaps with the intermediary of a theory-based model for the system under study. The goal for students is to construct logically coherent explanations of phenomena that incorporate their current understanding of science, or a model that represents it, and are consistent with the available evidence.


Engineering design, a systematic process for solving engineering problems, is based on scientific knowledge and models of the material world. Each proposed solution results from a process of balancing competing criteria of desired functions, technological feasibility, cost, safety, esthetics, and compliance with legal requirements. There is usually no single best solution but rather a range of solutions. Which one is the optimal choice depends on the criteria used for making evaluations.

See A Framework for K-12 Science Education, 2011, p. 67 for the entire text.

1.  From the background information, what new awareness do you have about constructing explanations & designing solutions?  
2.  How does this practice support asking questions?
4.  In a 3 Dimensional classroom, who do you think needs to be constructing explanations & designing solutions?
5.  What questions did the background raise for you?
6.  Unpack this Practice by identifying the verbs and nouns in the description.  Is your list similar to this?


Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions podcast

Webinar on Constructing Explanations


NSTA Banner

1.  What are your current beliefs about the constructing explanations practice?
2.  What beliefs do you have from prior knowledge, education or professional development regarding this practice?

3.  How well do you feel you meet the expectations of this practice as a teacher?  


Conceptual Change Activities:

Constructing Explanations Activity #1:  Rope Tube
Constructing Explanations Activity #2:  Balloons & Skewers

Designing Solutions Activity #1:  Rope Tube
Designing Solutions Activity #2:  Pringles Potato Chip Challenge



Developing Conceptual Understand of the Constructing Explanations Activities Background


The purpose of the following activities is to engage teachers in the practice of constructing explanations.  The emphasis is NOT on the activity itself, but rather the conceptual change related to the practice.  Consumers of this Toolkit are reminded to not get wrapped up in the activity, but rather continually reflect on the conceptual nature of the Practice to gain deeper understanding.  Three activities have been provided to engage in each Practice.   


Since the following activities are NOT lesson plans, in some cases only a brief explanation of the activity has been provided.  The facilitator should encourage learners to direct their own investigations and intervene only as needed to redirect.


Constructing Explanations Activity #1:  Rope Tube

To be completed AFTER the Designing Solutions activity:  Rope Tube


General Objective:  To provide an opportunity for students to construct explanations in science based on observing a phenomenon and asking questions.


The facilitator does the following:

1. Once students have seen the Rope Tube phenomenon, asked questions, and designed solutions, have them construct an explanation of the phenomenon based on the created model.  Rope Tube podcast.
2. Students should be able to construct their explanation both in written and verbal form.


At this point, do NOT expect all students to have the same answer, but needs to be based on their designed solution.


Debrief the activity focusing on the conceptual understanding of the practice using the following prompts:



1.  In what ways did this activity change your beliefs about constructing explanations in science?
2.  How difficult do you find it to construct an explanation?
3.  Discuss your level of confidence along the process of constructing an explanation?



1.  How do you currently help students construct explanations of science phenomenon in your classroom?
2.  Review a recent lesson you taught and evaluate the effectiveness of engaging students in constructing explanations.

3.  What is the relationship between this Practice and others?


1.  Ask a colleague to observe one of your lessons OR video yourself teaching and tally the number of questions YOU ask and the number of questions STUDENT ask.  
2.  Use the EQuiP Rubric for Lessons & Units:  Science to evaluate a recent science lesson you taught.

Links to possible solutions to the Rope Tube.  In addition to the solution shown here, the ropes can also be connected with a washer, paper clip or knots.


Constructing Explanations Activity #2:  Balloons & Skewers


To be completed AFTER the Asking Questions Activity:  Balloons & Skewers

Watch the Balloons & Skewers podcast

General Objective:  To provide an opportunity for students to construct explanations in science based on observing a phenomenon and asking questions.


The facilitator does the following:

1. Once students have seen the Balloon & Skewer phenomenon, asked questions, and successfully done the phenomenon themselves, have them construct an explanation of the phenomenon.
2. Students should be able to construct their explanation both in written and verbal form.
3. Finding an explanation for this phenomenon may require outside research, since this is a RESEARCHABLE explanation.  Explanations should be include, but are not limited to, properties of  polymers; chemical bonds; elasticity; application to wounds caused by impaled objects; nails in tires, etc.
4.  Resources can include, but are not limited to, science textbooks, encyclopedias, internet.

Debrief the activity focusing on the conceptual understanding of the practice using the following prompts:



1.  In what ways did this activity change your beliefs about constructing explanations in science?
2.  How difficult do you find it to construct an explanation?
3.  Discuss your level of confidence along the process of constructing an explanation?
4.  What resources did you find most useful?
5.  Discuss the difference between verbal and written explanations?


1.  How do you currently help students construct explanations of science phenomenon in your classroom?
2.  Review a recent lesson you taught and evaluate the effectiveness of engaging students in constructing explanations.

3.  What is the relationship between this Practice and others?



1.  Ask a colleague to observe one of your lessons OR video yourself teaching and tally the number of questions YOU ask and the number of questions STUDENT ask.  
2.  Use the EQuiP Rubric for Lessons & Units:  Science to evaluate a recent science lesson you taught.

Many sources demonstrate this phenomenon in different ways.  Some suggest use knitting needles; oil or water on the needle/skewer; twisting the skewer in a particular fashion.  Students should discover these techniques on their own rather than being told.

Developing Conceptual Understand of the Designing Solutions Activities Background


The purpose of the following activities is to engage teachers in the Practice of Designing Solutions.  The emphasis is NOT on the activity itself, but rather the conceptual change related to the practice.  Consumers of this Toolkit are reminded to not get wrapped up in the activity, but rather continually reflect on the conceptual nature of the Practice to gain deeper understanding.  Three activities have been provided to engage in each Practice.   


Since the following activities are NOT lesson plans, in some cases only a brief explanation of the activity has been provided.  The facilitator should encourage learners to direct their own investigations and intervene only as needed to redirect.


Designing Solutions Activity #1:  Rope Tube


General Objective:  To provide an opportunity for students to designing solutions in science based observing a phenomenon and asking questions.


The facilitator does the following:

1. Once students have seen the Rope Tube phenomenon and asked questions, have them designing a solution of the phenomenon based on the created model.  Rope Tube podcast.
2. Students should be able to design a solution that replicate the observed phenomenon of the Rope Tube.
3. Have students generate a list of needed materials and either provide the materials or have students gather the materials.
4.  Provide time for students to design solutions using the Engineering Design Process.


Debrief the activity focusing on the conceptual understanding of the practice using the following prompts:



1.  In what ways did this activity change your beliefs about designing solutions?
2.  How difficult do you find it to design a solution?
3.  Discuss your progression of solution design.




1.  How do you currently help students design solutions in your classroom?
2.  Review a recent lesson you taught and evaluate the effectiveness of engaging students in designing solutions..
3.  What is the relationship between this practice and others?



1.  Ask a colleague to observe one of your lessons OR video yourself teaching and tally the number of questions YOU ask and the number of questions STUDENT ask.  
2.  Use the EQuiP Rubric for Lessons & Units:  Science to evaluate a recent science lesson you taught.

Designing Solutions Activity #2: Pringles Potato Chip Mailing Challenge


The facilitator does the following:


1. After students have DEFINED the Pringles Chip Challenge, have them design a solution by first drawing sketches/diagrams of possible mailing devices.
2.  Have students generate a list of needed materials and either provide the materials or have students gather the materials.
3.  Provide time for students to design solutions using the Engineering Design Process.  
4.  Provide time for testing and redesign.
5.  Use the Pringles Chip Challenge as a facilitator guide.


Debrief the activity focusing on the conceptual understanding of the practice using the following prompts:



1.  In what ways did this activity change your beliefs about designing solutions?
2.  How difficult do you find it to design a solution?

3.  Discuss your progression of solution design, testing, redesigning, retesting, etc.



1.  How do you currently help students design solutions in your classroom?
2.  Review a recent lesson you taught and evaluate the effectiveness of engaging students in designing solutions..

3.  What is the relationship between this practice and others?



1.  Ask a colleague to observe one of your lessons OR video yourself teaching and tally the number of questions YOU ask and the number of questions STUDENT ask.  
2.  Use the EQuiP Rubric for Lessons & Units:  Science to evaluate a recent science lesson you taught.


Learning Progression for Constructing Explanations

Elementary:  Students should be engaged in activities that foster constructing and critiquing explanations.  This should be done through developing explanations based on observations of their own investigations.  An understanding of variables is developed in upper elementary.

Middle School:  Students continue to construct explanations and evaluate their own and others’ explanations for consistency with evidence. Students need to be able to identify variables and the effect variables have on observable outcomes.  The recognition that explanations in science rely on models that are too small or too large is developed.  


High School:  Students should be proficient at constructing explanations and should use mathematics and simulations to create explanations for a phenomenon (Framework, p. 70).


Learning Progression for Designing Solutions

Elementary:  Students should be encouraged to pursue their natural engineering interests through building things and beginning to use tools to create.  Expand engineering projects to be more than simply structures, but include other areas of engineering such as insect enclosures, playground equipment, and more.

Middle School:  Students should take what they are learning in science and apply engineering design solutions to the content.  For example, take the principles of ecology and design solutions to storm water drainage.  At this level, students should be planning and carrying out engineering design projects that require them to define problems, identify variables and constraints of design, research the problem to gain a deeper understanding, create and test possible solutions and refine solutions by redesigning.


High School: Students need to be involved in deeper, more robust engineering design problems.  These can be related to local, national or global issues.  Place emphasis on the complete engineering design process of asking questions, imagining solutions, planning, creating and improving.


See p. 11  Appendix F Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS for a more thorough grade band progression.

Conceptual Change and NGSS

Asking Questions in Science & Defining Problems in Engineering

Developing and Using Models

Planning & Carrying Out Investigations

Analyzing & Interpreting Data

Using Mathematics & Computational Thinking

Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions

Engaging in Argument

Obtaining, Evaluating & Communicating


Return to Introduction Page


The Toolkit was developed through the Montana Partnership with Regions for Excellence in STEM Grant.  The contents of this version of the Toolkit have been modified from the original.