Download the report Nursing Health Services Research Agenda for the 2020s that identifies the most important and feasible research questions that need to be addressed by researchers to help nurses:

  1. Improve access to behavioral health and the effectiveness of interventions and services
  2. Improve access to primary health care and improve the effectiveness of primary care delivery systems
  3. Improve maternal health outcomes and the delivery of maternal health care
  4. Improve the care provided to the nation’s aging population, particularly frail adults
  5. Control healthcare spending, reduce costs, and increase the value of nurses’ contributions to improving health and health care delivery


Download the report Nurse Practitioners: A Solution to America’s Primary Care Crises to learn about recent research documenting the contributions of nurse practitioners providing primary care in the US.  The report, written in plain English by MSU College of Nursing’s Professor Peter Buerhaus, describes studies using national data from Medicare claims to analyze the types, costs, and quality of primary care services provided by nurse practitioners, and how state scope of practice laws restrict access to primary care.