There is no obligation

For having your chemicals cataloged and packed on paper. That inventory then can be used to give you complete turnkey pricing to dispose of any unwanted chemicals you may have stored.

Reduce your liability and insurance rates

The following inventory sheets and guidelines can help your school to identify all of the products that are presently stored within your facilities that may be causing an unwanted liability.


Mountain State Environmental Service has agreed at no fee to paper pack, segregate and help identify all your chemicals that you would like to submit on the chemical inventory sheet we have supplied.


From the information we can give you pricing for a complete service to package, transport, and dispose of your chemicals.


The following information will guide you through a simple process of inventorying and we will do the rest.


  • Make sure to check all classrooms, janitors' facilities, boiler rooms, Tech. Centers, maintenance closets, bus garages, etc.
  • Use the following inventory forms, copy as many blanks as you need, and use the EXAMPLE inventory sheets to understand how we like to see the information you provide.
  • Use labels and any information you can find to identify completely the old products you have. (More information is better even if you're not sure it applies, be very accurate and complete in your descriptions.)
  • Fax or mail your inventories to the contact listed below.
  • Call if you need further instructions to acquire good results.


Download the printable form (.pdf)

Contact Information

Brad Fimrite

Mountain States Env. Serv.

2338 River Oaks Drive

Billings, MT 59105

Phone 406-248-4777

Fax 406-248-7333

E-mail [email protected]


Created by MSU Extension Housing and Environmental Health Program

Contact Myla Kelly at 406-994-6948 or [email protected]