What is Pollution Prevention?

Pollution prevention simply means reducing the amount of waste you generate by changing the way you do business. Changes include using less hazardous materials, conserving energy and water, improving indoor and outdoor air quality, reusing or recycling leftover materials, and managing waste properly. 

The bottom line is pollution prevention can...

  • Save you money
  • Reduce your regulatory burden
  • Create a safer working environment
  • Improve your public image

Pollution Prevention Tips

  • Protect storm drains from fuel, antifreeze, and oil spills
  • Substitute less hazardous cleaners wherever possible
  • Work with suppliers to reuse pallets and crates
  • Give patrons a discount for reusing drink cups on their next visit
  • Suppport recycling by purchasing recycled products
  • Recycle cardboard, newspaper, office paper, aluminum cans, etc.
  • If you service vehicles, recycle used oil, solvents, and antifreeze
  • Encourage patrons to reduce waste, reuse, and recycle
  • Place recycling bins where the public can easily use them
  • Service heating, cooling, and ventilation systems regularly
  • Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms
  • Use energy-efficient lighting
  • Fix water leaks right away
  • When washing hands or showering, turn off water when soaping up