Call for Proposals, FY 2021

Deadline: March 31, 2021

The Office of the Vice President of Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education (VPREDGE) is pleased to announce this request for proposals (RFP) for interdisciplinary, collaborative project ideas in the humanities, arts, and social sciences (HASS). The purpose of the HASS RFP is to create communities of scholarship across MSU’s HASS faculty to catalyze a new era of collaborative and impactful interdisciplinary research that leads to sustainability after the end of internal funding. As such, collaborative grants are intended to launch externally funded programs, initiatives or centers that will enhance the national and international reputation of Montana State University. To achieve this goal, the research team will design specific tasks within the granting period that represent iterative steps toward sustainability (e.g., conference in Year 1; an external grant submission(s) in Year 2).

Scope of the Award

We seek to fund up to 2 grants between $50,000 and $75,000 per year with a maximum duration of 2 years in support of interdisciplinary, collaborative project ideas. The total award will be between $100,000--$150,000 over 2 years.


Each grantee is expected to submit an annual and final report, consisting of a maximum 4-page summary listing activities and accomplishments (conferences held, proposals submitted/awarded, results obtained, connections made etc).

Submission Process

Please submit your proposal electronically to the Office of Sponsored Programs by March 31, 2021 via the ePCF (electronic proposal clearance form). Choose full proposal and “MSU Vice President for Research (MONVIC001)” as the agency to which you are submitting. Please use program code HASS FUNDS 2021. Form and instructions can be found at in the upper right corner of the right sidebar.

Applicants should submit the following as a single PDF document, which will be distributed to external reviewers and HASS Grant Review Committee members. Attach to the “Required Program Document” section of the ePCF.

For questions pertaining to proposal formatting, budget, or other technical matters, please consult with your OSP fiscal manager. To determine the contact for your department, please visit the following link:

Required Submission Documents

  1. Cover Page (one page) that includes
    1. Project title
    2. Description of applicants (disciplines, schools/divisions, departments, centers/programs, email and phone contact information)
    3. Total amount of funding requested
    4. Abstract (300 words)
  2. Specific purpose and goalsProject Description of no more than five single-spaced pages (not including references) addressing the following:
    1. Specific purpose and goals
    2. Specific tasks to be undertaken during the granting period and how these tasks have the potential to lead to fiscal and scholarly sustainability
    3. Timeline for completion of goals and tasks
    4. Expected national and international benefits and impacts of this project
    5. Alignment with MSU’s “Choosing Promise” Strategic Plan/Grand Challenges
    6. Describe the team’s strengths, including effective leadership and management
    7. Plans for long-term stability/sustainability beyond the 2-year funding period
  3. Budget and Budget Justification (1 page, coordinate with your school or departmental budget staff).
    1. Faculty, staff and/or student salaries
    2. Materials, supplies, travel, speaker fees and accommodations, and other costs
    3. How each budget item will contribute to the success of the project
  4. Appendices
    1. Curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages per applicant/key personnel)
    2. Evidence/plan for leadership/management of the proposed program/initiative/center/institute

Selection Process

HASS proposals will be reviewed by a committee comprised primarily of MSU faculty in the humanities, arts, and social sciences, who will make recommendations to the VPREDGE. Final selection(s) will be made by mid-May.

Review Criteria

  • Ability to form an interdisciplinary and coherent program, initiative or center that will lead to unique, novel scholarship and enhance the national and international reputation of Montana State University
  • Statement that explains plans for sustainability
  • Intellectual creativity, originality and novelty
  • Alignment of project with MSU’s Strategic Plan “Choosing Promise”/Grand Challenges
  • Potential for tasks identified to be undertaken during the granting period to be accomplished and to lead to potential sustainability
  • Strength/expertise of the team
  • Appropriateness of the budget

Questions about program requirement and expectations may be directed to Liz Shanahan ([email protected]).