Safety is the most important consideration in all flight operations. Montana State University requires that all users agree to operate in accordance with FAA regulations. In addition, it is the responsibility of the user to practice sound and prudent safety measures. These measures should, at a minimum, include the following:

  • Weather should be appropriate for use and users should consult the forecast in advance. Winds and visibility should be monitored at all times.
  • Situational awareness should be appropriate and adequate during flights and flights should be immediately discontinued if an unsafe situation arises.
  • UAS may not operate in poor visibility (i.e. when visibility is less than 3 miles) and must remain clear of clouds, except when operating pursuant to an FAA waiver and is approved during the application process.
  • Maintain line of site with the aircraft and do not fly after dark without express written approval.
  • UAS may not be operated inside any occupied or covered facility unless such facility is designated, either full-time or part-time, for the specific purpose of operating or testing UAS or the operator has express written permission of the facility manager and required approvers.
  • Any University-owned UAS and related support equipment must be stored in appropriate, secure facilites.

The University Police Department has the final authority to determine if unsafe conditions exist. UPD has the authority to cease operations immediately for the safety of individuals or property.