
This page is dedicated as a resource for Faculty and Staff who encounter questions to financial aid related topics.  Please see the FAQ below for assistance:


Situation:  Student is thinking of dropping or withdrawing from one or more classes and comes to you for advice.

Answer: Financial Aid regulations state that aid must be “earned”.  This means that even though aid may be disbursed and direct deposited into the student’s bank account, if they do not complete their courses, they risk having to pay some of those funds back immediately.  In all cases it is best to advise the student to reach out to us directly so we can assess whether the student may be liable for returning aid for dropping or withdrawing from a course.

Situation: A student is thinking of changing the course to an “auditing” format instead of graded so as to better prepare them for the actual graded course in the future.

Answer:  Audited courses are not financial aid eligible.  If the student is thinking of making this change, please refer them to our office before he/she makes this decision.

Situation:  The student is thinking of withdrawing from a course rather than receive a less desirable grade.

Answer:  Federal regulations state that the financial aid office must maintain an academic progress standard for a student to remain financial aid eligible.  These academic progress rules typically differ but are closely aligned with the school’s related academic progress standards.  However, since they are different, it is important for the student to know that they are administered separately.  If the student is wishing to take a W instead of a grade, please advise the student to contact our office to ensure financial aid is not negatively impacted.

Situation: A student comes to you concerned that financial aid has not yet paid so they cannot afford to get the required textbook for your course.

Answer:  Our office has short term loan solutions to provide funding for books or other needs should a refund from financial aid and other resources be coming.  Refer the student to our office for assistance.

Other Important Resources:

Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success:

Financial Education, Tutoring Resources, and many other tools for students.

Bounty of the Bridgers:

On campus food pantry and other resources.

MSU Trio Student Support Services:

Career coaching, one-on-one tutoring, success advising, learning strategy advising, professional skills training, financial coaching, and many other resources.


The CrashPad is a place to catch any student without a place to sleep at night. This service uses reserved spaces in the Montana State University Family & Graduate Housing facilities to temporarily house students that are currently without a safe, secure, and sustainable place to stay the night.