Below are guidelines to follow as you prepare your electronic capstone posters.  Since your electronic posters will be posted (in PDF format) in the spring capstone preparation forum, both for feedback and review; and since the posters will be displayed electronically at the summer capstone symposium, it is important that we have some consistency regarding format and organization. 

  1. The poster may be created in one of a variety of programs such as PowerPoint, Keynote, Illustrator, etc. 
  2. Please set the page size at 24 inches by 36 inches.
  3. The poster may have either a vertical or horizontal orientation. 
  4. Please use no more than 3 to 4 font sizes.  It is recommended that you use a different font size for each of the following: title, section headings, text, and graphics (if appropriate). 
  5. Use easily readable fonts (please no script fonts).
  6. Write concisely so as to limit text.  Resist turning the poster into a narrative, you already have that in your paper.  Remember that a picture (photo, graph, table, etc.) is worth a thousand words - intermix the text with graphics and images whenever appropriate. 
  7. Be sure to have permissions in place for any photos or graphics used, where appropriate.
  8. Please include the MSU MSSE logo or MSU credit citation and appropriately credit your school (or other research site).  The MSU logo may be re-sized, but may not be altered in any other way. To access, either
  9. Include your name and the location of your project (city, state). 
  10. The most successful posters have a neutral or faded background. 


Please use the following posters as good examples. 


Please contact Terrill Paterson [email protected] , of the MSSE office, if you have any questions/concerns as you create your poster.