Subject: Student Success 

Policy: Clinical Site Visits and Performance in Required Graduate Clinical Nursing Courses

Revised: September 1, 2023

Effective date: Fall 2023

Review date: Feb 2005; January 213; October 2015, April 2018; Sept 2023

Responsible Party: Level I: GAAC; Level II: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Introduction and Purpose 

The Clinical Faculty and Course Instructors are experienced clinicians with the expertise to evaluate clinical expectations. To achieve competency as an advanced practice nurse or advanced generalist, graduate nursing students must demonstrate satisfactory clinical performance. Role development is facilitated through application of theory to clinical situations in clinical courses.


Course Instructors (MN) and Clinical Faculty (DNP) evaluate the clinical performance of each assigned graduate student.


  1. Visits to clinical sites of MN students are encouraged.
  2. Clinical site visits by Clinical Faculty (or a proxy preapproved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs) are required for each DNP clinical course; minimum of one site visit each for Advanced Clinical I, II, III, and IV). Virtual site visits will be considered on a case-by-case basis in coordination with the course lead and clinical program leads. The use of standardized patients and/or simulation may be used at the discretion of the clinical faculty. 
    1. "Satisfactory" clinical performance is defined as achievement of all clinical objectives at a satisfactory level. 
    2. “Unsatisfactory” clinical performance is defined as failure to meet one or more clinical objectives at a satisfactory level or the student requires more faculty or preceptor supervision than other students at a similar level.

    3. If the student’s clinical performance remains “Unsatisfactory” at the end of the term, the student receives a grade of F in the course.


Internal control considerations, if applicable: