Andromeda Abarr standing in front of Montana Hall

Our Campus Visit Coordinators work with prospective students and their families to coordinate personalized campus visits to Montana State University, as well as organizing visits for a variety of student groups that visit MSU.





Great Falls, Montana

Alma Mater & Major:

Montana State University - B.A. in English with Teaching Option

Favorite thing to do in Bozeman:

One of my favorite things to do in Bozeman is go to Music on Main in the summer. Our downtown hosts a live music event every week during the summer where they block off Main Street, build a stage, bring in food trucks, and have live music. I really enjoy attending with friends to eat great food and listen to amazing local artists. Any of the events hosted downtown are things worth attending and something I value as a resident in Bozeman.

Best college memory:

My best college memory is going with a bunch of classmates to Hyalite Canyon for a fire on a weekend night. We drove up, started the fire, pulled out our camping chairs, and enjoyed some music and good company. The sky was clear, which made it easy to see the stars shine bright. Another car full of people we didn’t know drove by and asked to join us. We made some great new friends that night. This memory really shows just how connected and friendly the people in the area are.

Words of wisdom:

I really like to tell incoming students to get connected and involved. Start off the school year by getting involved in something on campus whether that is fraternity/sorority life, intramural sports, service organization, an interesting club, etc. The college experience is truly what YOU make it. Attend Catapalooza at the start of the year to find your niche!



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